
isn't that too much like the engadget logo?

Cydia sucks, takes too much to load and doesn't even give you backups. I hope they let the backup thing implemented.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Exactly, what's the mistake here? crashing a plane into a pipe? duh

H-O-L-Y sh*t, if it has built in support for dropbox... then I must congratulate those guys, it's probably the best productivity app I've used

Who cares about the phone where's that sweet, beautiful, geeky, gizmodo-poster girl in the photo?

No video for a review?

why they didn't include it? ammmmm to make more money?

Any mobile OS it's as good as the apps it has or third party developers make.

@peasant slayer: Yeah, it could have a speaker what syncs with the timer and tells you when you should add X element to the meal. That should come pre programmed into the recipe tho.

@MrRainMan: I'm guessing you don't have 2 or 3 kids with alergies or different tastes?

Yesssssss, finallyyyyyyyyyy!!!

I don't see what's this supose to "be", "do", "pretend". Not a mirage.

@Timmy: When I mean north, I mean the US. I'm a little more in the south you know, in Argentina ^_^

@Jsqrd: I don't what to say about someone who needs to check his facebook profile to see if it's worth something.

Soooo, you guys base your life on a facebook profile up north?. Don't you have some sort of 'what you do outside of the workplace it's no concern to your employer' thing? (exception here for those working on the goverment or PR, or anything public related)

I guess McAfee needed money to invest in that super duper natural drug he found on some f* jungle. Good luck with THAT.

@nbergseng: That's why I use 'love', 'sex', 'money' or G O D

They should have made an android tablet, there could be some awesome apps and interactivity.

Damn!! there was one in Buenos Aires? why didn't I know