
Trying to update and it tells me that LogMeIn and Tab Mix Plus add ons won't work and they'll be disabled. Bummer, I'll have to wait cause those are the 2 add ons I use the most.

For Akira to connect you still need to install Latte, so it's the same as any other remote access soft; you first need to install a server side soft, so you need access to that machine before compromising it with dropbox.

Win7 past RC it's not actually "free"; although you could download it and activate it by cracking it... buying a PC that gets a free upgrade it's not really fair either.

I keep wondering why they called it "download" tool, you don't download anything with it, you create a bootable thumb drive/dvd; you need to have the ISO already.

The device seems to suck; the price seems to suck (high for what it offers); and that guy it's probably the ugliest CEO alive. Really bad choice for presenting the thing. I'm looking for a tablet, but I won't buy this one, controversy, bad specs, high price, ugly guy.

Not the best interface; half the window is for a progress bar that you use once and a text saying it'll scan.

LOL, I just realiced it consumes more than 50 mb of ram... it seems a lot for what the app actually does. #gtd

It's kinda buggy... stuffs appear randomly in chinesse... and when I wanted to report the bug (as one of the site's options in the top it's bug report) everything was in chinesse!

@1112: Yeah... that has nothing to do with what I ment.

The only real question about Win7 launch is: Is there a crack already to activate it? #windows

VOTE: What's Running 2.2

@MePerson: I just noticed when I logged to my Win7 partition... never mind then, my bad.

Your image it's worng; it should be: chrome.exe" -incognito

If I type -incognito into my shortcut it just says that it can't find the file...

Damm, I loved it!!! How can I customize it like that? canyou give me a hand? I'd love to use this desktop. I'm

Well, slashdot and pcpro says there will be 6 different version again... so... ?

VOTE: Hamachi

@VitaCactuar: Althought really bad expressed, he has a point. But that's capitalism dude, screw advance and letting other people develop, they need to make money, and being propietary they do. So, no open nothing, at least not what matters.

Yep, agreed with the prevoius guy, the best tool for fixing XP its []

I'm surprised with it's usefulness.