
Did you see the one where the fake San Francisco people were begging for people to vote for him? Like, what's the worst type of human (other than a Muslim - got that one covered in another ad) to encourage someone from East Cobb to vote Republican? THAT'S RIGHT, A CALIFORNIAN.

Yes!! That was a really good Dollop.

Thanks to Cobb County and Alpharetta, the perennial shitbags of the ATL area!

[Fry face]

Tis no man. Tis a remorseless eating machine!

Napples napples napples napples napples

"Bill O'Reilly" is the grisliest detail.

Ugh! Stop drinking the coal-aid, guys!

I dunno, the decor doesn't even really seem all that nice to me. That room picture just makes it look like a gussied up Residence Inn. (Also is that guitar photoshopped in there? Is that whole picture photoshopped?????)

… Yuppie?

If I've learned one thing from living through the south and traveling through Appalachia, it's that this whole industry is just so fucking despicable. Coal is vile and mountaintop removal is no better. It genuinely makes me really fucking sad to think about. I want to vomit every time I see a "FRIEND OF COAL!" sticker

Are you not supposed to wear underwear with these things?

Heyyyy, I'm startin' to think that this whole "great job" we say the internet is doing here is sarcastic!

Guess they're all getting some real good press from the constant stream of articles like these.

That's cool! My group uses Skype for voice, then Roll20 for rolling/maps/etc. and it really works for us.

Oh my fucking god.

Seriously, our sessions are often the highlight of the week for me. It's really worth it to find a good group! Comparing my experience to some of the other commenters on this article, seems that it's kinda rare to find a group of people who meet more than once a month or longer? I guess I'm just blessed enough to both

Yeah, man!

It's 2017— pretty much everyone plays (or has played) D&D, right?