
Regarding “2-3x the price,” I don’t know where you get an 8K BTU with WiFi and other advanced features for $100-150 except maybe at end-of-season clearance. Ijust paid $299 for an 8K unit. Admittedly that was full-price because it was a time I couldn’t wait for a sale or clearance. But anyway if this is only $50 more

You can tell the millenials it’s just like dialing a phone.

me, too. And I’m white!

Bruno Magli custom leather seats optional

Eewww, and also, yep that is a plus.

As the height comparison picture shows, this thing is pretty large. I suspect they had the same issue going into the original PS3 design. A lot of HW cramped into a “box.” Hard to fit. Harder to cool. Both Sony and uSoft (especially on the 360) learned the hard way about cooling. It was either RROD, or complaints

Now I am getting hungry, it’s about lunchtime here. I enjoy both clams and tacos. Even if you ignore the possible sexual connotation. Or maybe that too.

LOL when I get one (hopefully), I think I will name it ClamStation 5.

That’s funny I have the complete opposite opinion of that 1st PS3, which I still have. It introduced the glossy surface and rounded ends, non-flat top. It was also very heavy and very expensive. At the time they had to cram a lot of expensive HW into it. I remember a tear-down at the time said it probably cost more to

Messy as my house is, my video game consoles become the centerpiece of my art collection. I routinely trade in the “boring” ones but can’t part with the special ones (including the old PS3 “phat” I mentioned above). And that Sega Mark III in a photo above -- I’ve never seen one of those. That is nice!

The more I think about the more I like it. It’s like Sony doing for their console shape the thing as Kojima has done for games. Going against what is expected or conventional. And people will at first love or hate it. Eventually more will accept it; some will continue to mock it.

Ben & Jerry as the two guys named Ben and Jerry, or the mega-corporation that now owns the name and product?

They are already above $1M; new goal is $2M, top contrib $5,000.

He’s young and probably has some perverted thoughts about his childhood friend. Who doesn’t have fond memories like that?

Was it just me, or does anybody else think that his chin looks like a scrotum?

Also some DS/3DS classics that used to be exclusive are now moving to other platforms. For example, Ace Attorney Trilogy (a DS classic if there ever was one) is now downloadable on PS4, remastered for better graphics. I’ve played them on DS long ago, and then re-bought the 3DS remaster, and would still play again on

I was in BB today and overheard two employees in the games section discussing “did you hear there will be new small Switch this year at E3?” Now— I don’t think they have any more info than we do, so it was probably just guessing based on rumors on net articles like this one.

Dang, I never even knew about a new pure white one. But the Fire Emblem Fates special edition is white with subtle printing. One of my favorites. That one you can find but price is generally pretty high.

[Spoilers of course as this whole thread is] Is it only me that thinks that Arya will survive the Winter (season), and have a Baratheon/Stark child in some future series? The teasers of her running away from something mean that she will be significant, but also that she is likely to get away from whatever it was. And

Interesting theory. We know Sansa and Arya have come to some sort of good co-operation. Maybe some some weapons training from Arya. “Stick ‘em with the pointy end.”