
I really wish heels weren’t necessary to look professional as a woman. In my field, it’s just required, and it blows because heels are the WORST.

Thank Choo, free at last.

Clearly you don’t understand the WalMart mentality. /S

What I don’t get about any of these racist ass racist wypipo blow-ups is this;

using his kid makes it extra slimy- like he’s the innocent loving father who laughs with his kid at the ridiculous comedy woman. so gross.

Everything Neil wrote — from the initial tweet to the response — was absolute garbage, including using his kid as a shield for his own opinions.

It’s the “indeed” that gets me. Why do all these tools use “indeed”? Do they think it makes them sound smart?

How I met you and your husband numerous times but don’t remember.

Oh my god. Her response really is absolutely perfect.

I mean they both want to have sex with their daughters right? Of course this guy thought his time was here.

I read the title of this story and said out loud “ ... Huh?” because I just couldn’t make my brain compute admitting being a pedophile. And then I read the story and my eyes bugged out. Why is he walking around talking to people? Lock him up!

“Look. This guy is admittedly not perfect. But he supports gun rights and standing for the anthem. And his opponent is a woman who once received classified emails through an unsecured account. So, in the end, he’s the lesser of two evils.” - White America

See? SEE what happened when we started worshiping “irony” so hard we started allowing it into politics? We get people defending pedophilia out of hatred for “political correctness”.

Trump didn’t just liberate racist & neo-nazi stormtroopers (dinesh de’souza), he also liberated sickos of all stripes - they are all busting out of their bunkers and don’t give a jot. Welcome to Trump’s America - strange is the new normal.

What in the fuckiest of fucking fucks? Why is this a thing? Who screen capped this? How is this man allowed to run for office? Why the fuck isn’t this fucking man in jail? What the fuck, man!? What the fuck!?


What in the literal fuck?

It might be an awkward thing to say, but is not being attracted to an ethnicity really racism? Do we get to decide who we’re attracted to?

That does not look like the same dress. Just the same basic style of dress.

We should be asking those pastors how much money and favors they’re getting from the current group in power.