bad date . . .
bad date . . .
Where to begin...
Jennifer Aniston is 54 years old. The reason she’s not in more stuff isn’t because Hollywood got woke, it’s because Hollywood is sexist and ageist.
Jennifer Aniston said that society is now too woke for Friends. She didn’t use the word woke, but she used the definition of the word woke that the majority of Americans agree on and which 60% of Americans view positively. Focusing on the specific shibboleth “woke” as a derogatory is trying to seek out and identify…
Thank you yes. I came to say that the cork is kinda dumb but people do all kinds of sort of dumb rituals in cooking and swear by them, and they’re harmless. It’s the DOG that’s the gross part of this. Not a dog hater, but just uughh gross - peering into the pot and he’s touching it and shit, this is so disgusting and…
So, nobody should eat anything this dude cooks, for health reasons. Keep your fucking dog away from food. Wash your fucking hands.
It’s like older comedic actors either do something egregious and deserve to be “cancelled” (Louis CK) or can’t find work and assume it’s because of “wokeness”. When they complain like this it hurts their chances that anyone wants to work with them.
I used to just ignore this kid and his antics, but for some reason, today I’m furious over the largesse he enjoys even though he’s put in almost zero work to obtain/attain it and I’m thinking of my mom’s little kitchen with its avocado appliances in a lower-class burb built in the ‘50s called “space homes,” that must…
I like Warren Buffett’s balance. Leave you kids enough money to do something with their lives, but no so much they can afford to do nothing with their lives.
Yeah, that was my guess before I read the article: the secret ingredient is dog hair.
....yyyyeaaaaaah....they weren't very funny "back then," either, and largely just dick and fart jokes. Seriously, SHAKESPEARE was writing dick jokes, it's pretty much a staple of comedy throughtout human history, possibly because dicks are ridiculous.
100 stars for this. I would have ZERO idea who this squinty neposhit is if it was for Jezebel.
This response proves you can’t make fun of or disagree with dumb things people say these days.
Both of his parents actually worked hard to get where they are. When Victoria switched from music to fashion, she studied.
Maybe he threw a cork in there to distract from...
Most chefs agree the cork thing doesn’t even work for squid. Also I’d never cook with my dog in a bjorn out of fear he’d catch on fire, get burned by some splatter or get dog hair in my food.
Unsolicited advice for Jennifer Aniston: if someone asks you a question & you don’t know the answer, it is okay to just admit that
In my own observation, cooking with a dog in a sling seems far more disgusting and daresay, dangerous to have a pet in the kitchen.
Thinking people shouldn’t be sensitive to offensive material is peak privilege.
Is she trying to say it’s dangerous to mock bigots now because they are either heavily armed or Supreme Court Justices?