Not you

What do you mean? Musk worked hard to be born into an emerald mine-owning family that benefitted massively from South African apartheid. 

There are a lot of stupid Americans that find making fun of disabilities hilarious. 

Somehow, the white cat is the real mastermind, and Elon is the uncanny valley puppet.

He publicly humiliates people because that’s what his followers love. The cruelty is the point.

Throughout the course of their conversation on Twitter, Thorleifsson confirmed the worst: His days at Twitter were over.”

Musk: “Imagine what Stephen Hawking could’ve done if only he had the ability to TYPE!”

For the utter life of me, I to this day, still do not understand how that didn’t immediately end his campaign right then and there. Everything after that just got so much worse. So shameful

Regarding item #3: He was the founder of a company acquired by Twitter, and voluntarily asked that the purchase price be paid to him as a salary specifically so it would get taxed at a higher rate by the Icelandic government because he didn’t want to pay a lower one-time lump sum. His contract stipulates that if he’s

Under ADAAA you would definitely have grounds for a lawsuit here within the US. Not only is this protected information which companies are very specifically expected to keep confidential (it’s actually required to be kept entirely separate from all other employment records, not that most companies actually comply).

I read more about this on Mastadon this morning. Remember, Twitter bought this guy’s company. He chose to have his payments made as salary so that Iceland could get the full tax. But even being let go, I’m sure Twitter still owes him for the purchase of his company. Nobody would enter into an agreement where the buyer

Regarding number 2:
Iceland is an EEA member and GDPR applies to them too. Musk won’t care, but GDPR is taken extremely serious in EU and by extension EEA. Blatant GDPR violations could see serious fines.

Highest so far is Whatsapp being fined €225 M.

Even if Thorleifsson couldn’t type with one finger on his phone, what, has Musk never heard of voice-to-text before? Never used that function on his phone?

Reading Musk’s response, I have to wonder how he’s not in for a massive lawsuit.

The reality is that this guy (who is independently wealthy) did no actual work [...] yet was simultaneously tweeting up a storm.

Elon is the Idiocracy version of a Bond villain.

Can Musk be any dumber? Firing a dude, then publicly claiming it was because he couldn’t work, even though it was on file with HR that he had a disability? Hello lawsuit.

Ive told multiple recruiters from Tesla, offering very enticing salaries, to fuck off in the recent months. The pay is great, Austin is cool(for Texas), and I would continue to avoid a state tax. But, fuck working for Musk. I don’t care about potential safety by proximity, that dude is a insecure man-baby throwing

Not sure if its the basis of a lawsuit per say but its a definite GDPR violation

F.O.A.D., Elon; F.O.A.D.

This is the kind of thing where you see it in a movie or TV show and roll your eyes because they’re going so over the top to paint the bad guy as evil because they think the audience is too stupid to pick up on it. And yet... here we are.