

I doubt that musicians appearing in 2017 signed a contract in 2001.

This is why I don’t have a father.

“the best of George Lucas’s “Star Wars” entries (“Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith”).”

Disappointed...but good thing I just got one of these...

“We shot the kangaroo, the dog, and the man.” To me it looks better with the Oxford comma. I’m weird like that.

American authorities: “We shot the kangaroo, the dog and the man.”

I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.

Regardless of whether you’re liberal or conservative it should have been painfully obvious to you as a functional human being that Donald Trump would not make a good leader for our country, and the world.

Ford to Trump; “you will now be forced to understand the issues and abandon your position accordingly”

The whole Wyatt thing is really what makes the dual timeline theory seem unlikely. As far as we know the Wyatt storyline is freshly added in the present time, and that’s when Billy starts playing.

That’s a LOT of down and under.

I want to tell her to calm down but then I think about the seething existential rage I experience at people that walk three wide in hallways and amble, or left lane hogs, or people that take too long to use the sugar/cream station at Starbucks, or people that forgot the form at the Post Office, or try and get on the

The emails were not from Hillary, not from her server, not from her investigation. They were not marked classified, the FBI is merely investigating if there was any classified information in them. There is no indication that there was classified information in them.

Comey is merely informing Congress that they’re

It is to me, but everyone has a personal preference. I’m one of few people who thinks Porsches are among the ugliest cars out there (aside from the 918 which I think is one of the most beautiful cars ever made).

It’s trickle-down car-conomics. A large portion of Wranglers and a surprising percentage of Raptors will be used and properly abused - just not by their first owners. We need the poseurs to peacock it up so that someone, someday, can buy the purpose built vehicle at a price point where they don’t feel bad using it

Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:

C5 is a kitcar, and I avail did NOT mean the C3.

JJ Watt, LeBron James, et al would like a word with you.

OP, don’t let the discussion dissuade you from your original point. I wish all dudes thought of all women as people (especially women they know, love, and respect). Ignore the tributaries where the main flow of your point was being dragged into, just stay on the main path. Heck, even allies disagree with each other,