
Brandy? In an Old Fashioned? You heathen!

“On Wednesday, the Southern Poverty Law Center released its yearly report that looks at the number of hate and extremist groups in the United States.”

No US citizen alive has been or has owned a slave. How exactly does Julián Castro justify taking money or things of monetary value from one group of non-slave owners for the purpose of giving it to another group that has never been subjected to slavery at the hands of a currently living US citizen?

Well, if you weren’t racist for doubting Smollett’s story from the start, you certainly are now for questioning anyone who insisted that Smollett’s doubters were racist. /S

Seriously, wtf. An experienced hate crime fabricator would have payed in non-sequential, small denomination bills that had been heavily circulated.

“so I imagine community service unless the judge ends up being a Trump supporter”

“My question to the MAGA CHUDs was rhetorical and your replies will be dismissed. Go cry on your Brietbart safe place. Adults are talking here.”

“People on right will use this ammunition towards legitimate attack in the future.”

“Jussie went home with a noose around his next after racist, not homophobic, remarks were made to him.

“Jussie isn’t looking for publicity. He’s looking for change.”

“Jussie took a risk for the greater good and it didn’t work out.”

“it doesn’t necessarily matter that this event didn’t happen. It matters that it could happen. That’s the real issue here. So good for Jussie.”

“This is a mess.”

He terrorized a Native American activist? First, the kid didn’t approach the “activist”, if you can even call him that. Second, Phillips got in the kid’s face after he noticed members of the Black Israelites shouting racist and homophobic slurs at bunch of school kids. Phillips was the aggressor.

In other news. Tabloid quality writer throws temper tantrum over the ways in which other people spent their own money.

IMHO, dating within a close circle of friends is more often than not a train wreck waiting to happen.

No. Not at the expense of more relevant subjects.

“The first Division was set just after a chemical weapons attack in New York City on Black Friday.”

Does anyone take this Soros puppet seriously?

He was excellent in The Gathering Storm as well.