
If you’d bothered to read the EO the Trump admin enacted with regard to temporarily banning entry of people traveling from terror exporting countries, you would have seen that it doesn’t single out any one religion, let alone Muslims specifically. Also, scrutinizing the entry of people from terror exporting countries

In other words, don’t let your kids play rated M games, because they are rated M for a reason. Instead, buy them more age appropriate games.

“White nationalism is resurgent in the streets of America. It’s driving federal policy in the Trump administration.”

“Trump used those appointments to select two men in their early 50s, one of whom has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women and yet got through the Senate anyway because Trump was lucky enough that a majority of senators simply didn’t give a shit.”

“[bonus round: try answering me without once referencing the Kavanaugh hearings. Betcha can’t.]”

That might have been the case had Obama not usurped more power for the Executive branch with overreaching executive orders, making the House weaker for it. The Executive branch has more power than it’s seen since Roosevelt in the 30's and 40's.

“It’s depressingly stunted, futile, and useless, just like both of them. Get rid of them.”

“Not a guy, friend. And not very tough.”

I wasn’t talking about democrat voters tough guy, I was talking about Democrat politicians. Feel free to rationalize supporting a racist who beat his girlfriend anyway you want, it speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof....not that you actually give a crap about character.

If you think that replacing Walker with a racist that beats up women is a step in the right direction, then you’re priorities are well and truly fucked.

I stand corrected. She didn’t post a police report, she posted a medical report, which can be found in numerous articles online. That being said, she’s a woman and should be believed no matter what, right? I mean, that’s a mantra of the progressive left when it comes to accusations against their opponents.

“The state’s Democratic Party nevertheless endorsed Ellison after he defeated four rivals in his primary race; the party ultimately said it could not substantiate the allegations.”

“And if all these things fail, there’s always tequila.’

Is this actually from a really person?

“No matter what your political affiliation, you can probably agree on one thing: politics have gotten stressful.”

Did I say it was an analysis? That’s purely my opinion...and one that I’m sticking with.

“Fuck off with this bullshit.”

“And you don’t understand basic grammar”

“Donald Trump is horrible and disgusting, and the menagerie of melting, gelatinous creatures surrounding him are also horrible and disgusting, but they’re not really new.”

“America does not need this industry. We do not need legions of suits paid to lie on behalf of the world’s richest corporations.”