“(The first elected president of the United States in Congress, by the way, was John Hanson, who took office in 1781.)“
“(The first elected president of the United States in Congress, by the way, was John Hanson, who took office in 1781.)“
“asking to “debate” you over shit we should all agree on by now.”
“a Young Republican poll worker”
“A Democrat should never help a Trump judge get confirmed.”
“How do you get your own Nobel”
“Members of the American political left, it seems, have also determined that Gritty is good and that, as a good thing, he’s on the left.”
Not to be crude, but smuggling Taco Bell food in your colon seems counter productive given that the typical human colon ejects anything Taco Bell like a missile.
There’s nothing outdated about the electoral college. People who believe so are prime example of why civics courses should never have been removed from our indoctrination factory of an education system.
“It’s a law that will hopefully be struck down when D’s take back the house”
“I’ve similarly pulled a solid chicken kiev out of my ass on 1.5 hours notice”
“Sen. Chuck Grassley, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and old, old man, confirmed this morning that he does not think the pathetic farce of an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh revealed anything new and thus will be voting to confirm him.”
“How to Rage-Donate Against Chuck Grassley”
Take your star and get out.
“She spoke, too, about why she decided to come forward and talk about it,”
“There’s already fear that the upcoming Brett Kavanaugh hearings will end like those with Hill—Christine Blasey Ford’s life laid bare for a nation for scoffing, for mockery, and ultimately the memory hole.”
“Mushrooms are the meatiest vegetable”
“How to Stay Politically Active When You Just Can’t Even”
Every single person that Ford’s lawyer has produced to back up her accusation has either denied knowing Kavanaugh, or denied seeing him a any party.