@Jackie: It's fairly simple. Keep the switch on low, go 1-4, flip the switch go 5-8. You just go through the gears, flip a switch, go through the gears again. Wanna see something complicated? look up an 18 speed.
@Jackie: It's fairly simple. Keep the switch on low, go 1-4, flip the switch go 5-8. You just go through the gears, flip a switch, go through the gears again. Wanna see something complicated? look up an 18 speed.
@KeyserSöze: Ah, that brings back memories. My good ol Freightliner with an Eaton trans.
Funny, but has everyone forgot that we used to use cassettes and recorders? There should be a part in there where you have a blank cassette in the recorder and you anxiously wait for 2 hours to hear it again. Then you record it, missing the first 5 seconds of the song but adding 5 seconds of the next.
@Ajanu: I worked for a company that shipped using both truck and rail. Truck could go Chicago to LA in 2 days. Rail would take up to 2 weeks.
@Gothmog3VZ: deal.
@Gothmog3VZ: Unannounced or not, the R/C had no business being there. For show purposes, they should have been using taxi ways for take off and landings, not the runway. I did read the article, and I am still not convinced that the Pitt was at fault. Aside from that, there was no control tower. Maybe he did announce,…
@Gothmog3VZ: Revoke the pilot's license, eh? Great idea, and next time someone hits a kid for running across a highway should get their drivers license revoked too? Your logic is flawed. Take a class in aviation, and come back with your opinion.
@Tijuana Taxi: Alright, enough of that. It was funny when the original video came out. Maybe a few days after. Not anymore.
@Tanshanomi: but thanks to Jalopnik's retarded comment system, not everybody sees them.
@NotChoinski: Just think if they were to "simplify" this.
@SkipErnst: They were using Windows Vista Ultimate, duh!
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Probably someone who can afford a 6 digit car loan.
@Wunno Sev: I don't get it. Nothing happens. He hits a bump, in extreme slow-mo (frame by frame in fact.) Were you trying to be ironic?
@monsterblues: Yes, however he said that it should be using ios4 not ios3. And it would double or triple, the 3G is not meant for ios4.
@Wheema: That is true, but I don't remember any part where they are different ages. I thought they were the same age the whole time.
@bjamieson: It's not straight forward at all. That is why there is all this discussion.
@noamjamski: I couldn't believe the handicapped man's story. 3 years in jail for his valid prescription?!? It's a surprise they didn't push for a change in the pharmacy laws to prevent that from happening again.
Sounds like something Penn and Teller should have had in the latest episode of "Bullshit!"