
Wow! What is going on? The only thing I can even fathom comparing this to is if the White House leaked impeachment talking points to Democrats.

Generally agreed, and it would be nice if people in the media actually used word like lie and liar about Trump. But I think gaslighting works well here because it’s a more specific, more elaborate thing. When my wife asks me if I actually ate sixteen oreos for breakfast and I deny it, that’s a lie. But if I were to

No, no, no, for fucks sake. Racist tweets were held up by a sign with beer money, man.

I understand why this isn’t a bigger deal. Ownership/Management gets to save some scratch and get patted on the back for being savvy—Silver isn’t going to push the envelope there to investigate. And all Player’s Unions, generally, don’t give a flip about rookies. But in this case, they should.

Offensive Holding in general should only be, at most, a 5 yard penalty. Defensive holding is only 5 yards, so why is offensive 10? It COMPLETELY kills a drive on something that is usually so ticky tacky anyway that it could be called or not be called based on whatever the ref feels like. 5 yards would be much more

Brown’s reaction upon reading the headline.


Are we sure that’s not just a member of the Gase clan?

the theory’s basic premise is that human beings generally operate under the assumption that the people we are interacting with are being honest.

And beyond your joke, it’s also probable that the campus would seem deserted if people were inside those arenas and not walking around when McQueary stepped outside.

Like most sensible people, I haven’t read Gladwell in 10+ years, but find myself wondering: Is he a genuinely lazy and unclear thinker, or is he an intelligent opportunist who knows there is money to be made by appealing to lazy, unclear thinkers?

He wonders why McQueary remembers the campus as being deserted on the night he says he witnessed the assault (Feb. 9, 2001), even though there was a hockey game and a Barenaked Ladies concert on campus that night.

Welcome to America in 2019, where Arians claim to be helping a Gay but really just want to set them further back.

Yeah, I can’t beleive the Patriots pulled a fast one on a player who has burned bridges on two teams in less than nine months. 

Brown not getting the money, he was due, is because of Brown, and Brown alone.

This is the worst episode of Ballers ever. 

If there is a review, and the result is “call on the field is confirmed,No TD,” Ole Miss benefits from the pause to collect its thoughts, come up with a good play, and come to the line in an orderly fashion. Instead, they had to hurry to the line and snap the ball for a QB sneak, which is not ideal for an offense.

Fully agree. If the clock is stopped for the review, but the “no TD" call upheld, is there an automatic runoff? If not, that is very unfair to Cal, and if Ole Miss had scored in that scenario, you can bet this article would have been written about how Cal was screwed byby the officiating.

He is also inside the end zone.

It just doesn’t seem nearly as clear-cut as the article makes it out to be.  He comes backwards and falls down right away, and the ball is outside of the end zone.  I agree that if he stayed on his feet he’d be fine, but he didn’t. And I’m pretty sure the Ole Miss coach just wanted the review so he could set up a play.