
Did you read paragraph 4? Where the author says things like “Preseason friendlies themselves aren’t totally the problem” and “the International Champions Cup.... could be seen as a net positive”. That seems to contradict paragraphs 5 and 6 if you ask me.

I really hope Patrick responds to your question. He lost me with that comment as well.

Yeah, that last sentence was straight trash.

It’s a professional sport. They play all their matches in exchange for money. That’s the profession. I guess they could stop playing matches for money, just cancel the whole thing, maybe convert the whole enterprise into a ceramics factory, but then someone might burn their hand on the kiln. So what’s even the point

Every single sport the world over has a preseason. Every single sport the world over has offseason training. Crying about an injury in a friendly is just dumb. It’s just part of the training regimen. 

So you’re in favour of preseason friendlies....but not if the club makes money off them?

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.”

Do you...not understand the complaint here? If the team didn’t plan on keeping one of last year’s starters around, why would they have waited until the day before training camp when they could have cut ties at any of numerous points in the past weeks or months? It would have been considerably easier to “catch on

The Skins could’ve cut Foster weeks ago and give him time to try and catch on with another team, but they waited until the day before training camp started in Richmond.

The issue is that it’s state-licensed and regulated by tax dollars. That’s my money, our money, being used to sanction an activity that leads directly to death and brain damage. “Voluntary and no harm to non-participants” applies to Fight Club, too, but without the public’s money. 

Believe they were initially rushing him to shock trauma in Baltimore but his condition worsened so quickly that they ended up going to the closest hospital

You don’t read Ratto for word economy, you do it because you LIKE reading and appreciate good writing. There are a lot of fantastic writers here which is why I’m still around every day despite being an old who’s lingered since the Leitch years and now only has about 3 non-fantasy sites in the daily queue. I sincerely

I’m a Bay Area guy, I’ve always like Ratto. He’s verbose as all hell (anything he writes could be effectively communicated with 1/3 the word count) but that’s always been part of what makes reading his work both slightly frustrating and really enjoyable.

It’s an odd fit, Ray Ratto’s shtick and Deadspin.

That you are stating something that, while it’s objectively true, doesn’t reflect the attitude of a fairly large percentage of the population...which, of course, is horrifying in its own right, but that’s our reality. 

Hello, are you just waking up from a cryogenic sleep that extended over the past 3 years? If so, boy, do I have some things to fill you in on when it comes to the current political discourse in America. 

Smart move on his part. Clearly lays the grounds for an insanity plea later on.

Including Melo in the Westbrook/George category as a black mark against Presti might be the most unforgivable thing in this entire rant. I mean does this guy even watch basketball?