They're just pigeons.
They're just pigeons.
Don’t act like you haven’t thrown a pigeon or bicycle kicked a sea gull at the beach
I don’t understand the tone of this post. What this kid is doing is fucked up and antisocial on multiple levels.
And individual athletes of whatever nationality are banned or stripped of medals when caught. Sanctioning an entire nation takes, you know, action by that nation.
If you can’t see any difference between Lamar Odom using a giant rubber black cock to excrete someone else’s piss so that his marijuana habit goes undetected, and a state-sponsored-and-operated effort to both provide athletes with performance-enhancing drugs and avoid positive tests, I don’t know how to help you.
FFP was instituted to stop clubs like Atletico, Napoli, PSG, Chelsea, Benfica, Dortmund, Leeds, Fiorentina, Lazio, Roma, Parma etc. from going bankrupt, which all either did or nearly did. It has nothing to do with protecting “old-class rich clubs”.
Is this a sex thing? This seems like a sex thing.
side note: Boston’s not getting Davis. If Tatum had developed the way everyone expected after his rookie year, then they’d have a shot, but he didn’t, and there’s no way he’s that much more enticing than LA’s impending offer of the #4 pick and whatever else New Orleans wants.
Yes the Dallas Mavericks organization that allowed years of mysoginy and sexual harassment go unchecked for years definitely deserves something good to happen to them. God bless that strong organizational culture.
That ball spent so much time on the rim Derek Jeter just proposed to it
I think it’s pretty shitty of her high school to sell ad space at the diamond to white supremacy groups from seven surrounding counties. It’s not the message we should be giving to kids, and it takes away from her accomplishment. Sad.
Can’t wait for the 20-page leaked report on how the scorer’s table cost the Rockets this game.
I’d expect nothing less from a man who (mis)spells Zack with an H.
i went the office job route instead of declaring for the draft and regret it to this day
That’s why Eli can’t be defeated by Belichick’s traditional methods. You can’t confuse the perpetually confused.
“Just switch to paste, like I did” - Eli Manning.
I feel like we haven’t spent enough time discussing this article
The inevitable incoherent Billy Haisley article 2 days after something awesome happened is the death knell for my interest in it.
Seeing your name on a post about what should be an interesting topic is like getting a free steak dinner that’s been sautéed in piss.
I phrased that poorly. There’s no suspicion I’m aware of that Semenya is or has ever done anything unethical. I also don’t know why I capitalized “She’s”.