Select six cities that can handle the Olympics and rotate them every cycle, One city from each region of the globe?
Select six cities that can handle the Olympics and rotate them every cycle, One city from each region of the globe?
Great. Another clickbait Rio headline, Deadspin. I’m pretty sure all the swimmers would have died of electricution if there was a current in the pool.
Had a gun pulled on me and others while playing pick-up basketball. The guy threatened everyone then left...and we just picked up the game where we left off.
Get off my lawn.
Does Peter King think that phone is a drive-thru window?
So that’s what happened to the lead singer of Everclear.
I’m not saying it’s absent in other sports, but even when Brady had shit receivers, he still played great. Inversely, we’ll see how good Stafford is without Megatron this season. And that occurs in bball too, I just think it’s at a greater degree.
That is because all basketball takes are hot takes. Unlike other major sports, which are easier to measure a player’s value based on position or pure statistics, basketball had always been something of a positionless league where the greatness and goodness of players is measured partially by the quality of the players…
It’s only his dick if you believe dicks grow out of a man’s thigh.
That’s some inspired music. Phelps is the Samus of Olympic swimming.
How disappointing. I’d thought there’d be more Bojack Horseman references.
Just left of center. The exact dong angle we enjoy.
Young Santa Claus
Nothing like stroking a long dong to work up some beef.
If Tim Kaine is the uncle who’d pick you up from a drinken night partying and take you home but not narc you to your parents; Curt Schilling is the one who’d drive you to the police station and force you to spend a night in jail to “learn something.”
Put a minor league in Europe. 8 teams; joint ownership of these Euro-teams by NFL teams; structure it like a European Soccer league (no tournament, one set of standings, etc.). The NFL can develop young players and build interest overseas.
That not all pro sports owners are evil or corrupt in some way.
The real story is that Jon Jones is trying to get pregnant.