"Just send money"
"Just send money"
Being in pain and sharing your pain is fine.
oh fuck HIM. what a thing to say! (ref: above. people are stupid)
I don't know, dude. The thing that the author seems to be forgetting is that her friends and family and coworkers are people too and have their own shit to deal with and her breakup isn't really as important to them as it is to her. They have their own lives to worry about, and interests beyond being the best and most…
No, what's fucked-up is when you leave an abuser, and then people tell you they hope you get back together, or you're throwing your chance at love away, or you were such a perfect couple - why can't you just work things out? And that happens all the damn time.
Quit whining and move on. None of those people purposefully tried to hurt you. You broke up, you're sad and hyper-sensitive. It's happened to all of us.
All you've really done here is scare me into not saying anything to anyone who is going through a break up. In fact, I will now avoid them altogether for fear of saying the wrong thing the wrong way. If I did have a break up, my boss would never know it from dealing with me. I keep that shit at home.