
chuuni Dekomori ftw

their are no polar bears in antarctica

Japaneses is written in vertical lines and book page numbers from right to left, so yes it is a Japanese thing.

Pyongyang is clean and a happy place because that is where the rich live, the government don't let you wonder around in the country side because they don't want it seen.

my cod is 10gb saying 40gb is activation being lazy and completely over estimating size so they dont have to care about people running out of space.

united states of mars. where is the hight map i cant tell anything from this

i would say judging from the water colour that it enriched by calcium so i would assume that there is a thermal vent causing sediment to rise from the convection of the heat.

the dark knight has stolen it for his bat light. you forgot to add string theory to your list

time to plan a trip that looks amazing

look at :43 you can see a near miss

yes i am worried now, are snowflakes some kind of nanotech

everyone outside of europe calls it soccer

americans bastardise everything from their economy to their words and now the game code

group seens could be compared to any show but that dress lol dress look a lot like

enough said

i was so expecting a blue steel cross here

evidence that people that take selfies are fucktards

i signed up to the china beta of aion before the us beta came out but that was with the help of a guide because a social security number was required, i don't know how Korea works but i think you will need some guide to help you.

you do realise this game this still pre alpha