
Yeah, that's what his doctor said. Thankfully he loves peppermint!

Thanks. He's fine, he had his tonsils out.

This was my room(before I expanded three times) and each room had a theme, a blue room(regal furniture thats royal blue) the living room was sleek furniture with clock and a computer, and my upstairs was my bedroom with common bed and a lamp.

Oh well. Shit happens.

I have a 32 GB Wii U, and I rather enjoy the system and its games. Right now I have NintendoLand and ZombiU, which are both awesome games. Me and my wife and my 6 year old step son play the heck out of the NintendoLand, and I play ZombiU late at night when everyone is asleep.

The writing in both games happens to be pretty strong, NOLF 2 just seemed to be much more polished and tongue in cheek. Kinda like a more serious Austin Powers, with boobs.

So I am not the only person who has ever played NOLF and NOLF 2? I still have my original discs for both games.



Lead deer: "If everyone would just line up in an orderly fashion, and cross the fence in a timely manner by the time we all get across Grandmas cookies will be don..."

Mine happens to be a little sparse at the moment, but Sahara spruced up my carpet and flooring for me a few days ago.

Man. Freedom to move my body in a what that will enable me to check out how fine a woman wrong?

Hey, this is where I live.


If they released Fire Emblem, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Earthbound, Mario RPG and such...I'd go bankrupt to play them all again.

This is why I have been a Nintendo fanboy since I was 3. Sure, not until my adult life have I seen the intricacies of their business model, nor when I was a child did I pay much heed to the 'console' wars through out the generations...but I did always notice Nintendo(excusing the drunken groping about that was the

Most likely he's following the Didact, UNSC forces gets slaughtered, he gets teleported to that Forerunner shield world(probably inside of a Dyson Sphere) and he's trapped along with remnants of the Covies/Flood.

Confucius say "Neva leaf wife at temple fo' video gamey."

I can get sex anywhere, but I can't get my fix for Videogames.

Does this game company remind any of you of Code Monkeys?