
I would find it inelegant to use completely different grammar rules when speaking versus writing.

say it out loud and it becomes extremely clear which one is correct, scholarly opinion, as it generally should be, aside.

If you think Apple is better about this than most companies: well, you're wrong. I don't know what gave you that idea. They were targeted because they are the most powerful electronics company and so they drive the system by basically insisting that delivery times and prices be such that there is no other way to live

It's almost as if memory were imperfect and as if he were a personal storyteller and not a journalist.

Well, yeah, that's the thing. I think Mike Daisey did the wrong thing. But it was a small step over a fuzzy line, not the complete lie a lot of people try to make it out as.

Hey AV Club: The possessive of "Glass" is - Glass's - not - Glass' -. Just because his name ends in an S doesn't make him plural. Think about the difference between how you pronounce, say, "Ira Glass's house" and "my parents' house".

At least she gives an honest disclaimer at the start.

Actually the twitter is the output of a small chip attached directly to a horse's brain, capturing his thoughts in real

I find it interesting that you didn't mention what I think is the only decent song on the album, "Drop the World", which works mainly because it's actually a rap song rather than terrible rock.

Hi, it's now 2012 and every appliance in your house, up to and including your blender, is capable of streaming Netflix without hooking a computer to it.

The whole thing was badly done. The ending was just the bad cherry on a disappointing sundae.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd rather just see The Help nominated 9 times then see Take Shelter get even a little more completely undeserved praise.

Take Shelter had a brilliant premise that it wasted completely. It should have been all about tense ambiguity, and instead the filmmaker announced which direction he was going with it about five minutes in, and then it was just a dull and depressing series of inevitabilites. And then he even manages to ruin the bad

Yeah, I completely lost it at "I got run over by a Lexus." I don't know why they didn't make Jean-Ralphio a permanent part of the cast when they had the chance. Failing that, a spin-off that's just episode long single takes of him getting hired and immediately fired from different jobs.

I liked it way better in the first two HS albums when he just kinda told stories over the band playing than when he started feeling the need to sing everything. He's a great storyteller/shouter and a mediocre singer.

Because all Star Trek series have a lot of terrible and mediocre episodes mixed in with the good ones, and there are a limited number of hours in the day and days in a lifetime and I don't really feel like wasting that time watching a really terrible episode from 20 years ago just for a couple good character moments.

The Next Generation grades were very useful for me when it came to watch through old episodes, as it gave me an idea which ones were skippable and which ones were must-see. Please consider going back to grades for that reason.

You didn't. But a few comments above mine someone did.