
Meh. Consider her history of early abuse in the article. I’m a someone who was raped in kindergarten and later experienced a series of brutal attacks, like an attempted gang rape at a church camp when I was 11. At a very early age, it just becomes a FACT that you are unsafe and that if anything happens, the people

What Pam said/wrote reminds me off all the people talk about rape in comments of Jezebel or other sites. They all say that women should learn how to protect themselves. I think that talking about protection makes sense to some degree but now isn’t really the time for it. Right now victims are sharing their stories and

At the height of Vietnam and Nixon’s resignation, for example, Johnny Carson was either not mentioning them or only in a sideways manner. Even while Dick Cavett and The Smothers Brothers were getting great ratings while doing so. But in the end, he lasted.

To be honest there are no better solutions. I can think of other options but they are all as bad

While I wouldn’t cast her in this I must say that Amy Adams is a treasure and is light years better than Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Stone, imo. She’s also 43.

Amy Adams is 43. Jessica Chastain is 40. Old enough to play mothers of adults. So not exactly in the same category as twenty somethings Lawrence and Stone. (Plus, Adams and Chastain are decent actors - so I don’t understand slighting them...)

Oh, and the scene where Paul Reiser threateningly tells the other doctors to “say that to me again” in regards to letting Will die was the moment I finally realized that Paul Reiser was not a corporate villain a la Aliens, which really surprised me given the just multitude of Aliens references this season.

“Hey, dickheads... how come the only one helping me out is this random girl?”

Definitely one of my favorite episodes this season, followed by my least favorite. So much of this episode is full of great plotting along.

Now playing

I see a lot on here about people are perplexed at how successful Pink still is. Australia fricken loves her, we consider her one of us and this is why...

It’s simple. They ultimately aren’t affected by the misery inflicted upon us, so they don’t give a shit.

I don’t doubt that Pence as president would be terrible for domestic issues.

And doctors have a disturbing tendency to trivialize women’s symptoms. Not EVERYTHING is a UTI. Last year I was having pretty much every symptom on that list and knew something wasn’t right. I didn’t have insurance so that was a fun thought. I went to a local doctor and explained my symptoms, my family history of

Not to add to your worry, but you express a common misconception. Pap smears do absolutely nothing to detect ovarian cancer. Their only benefit is to detect cervical cancer (or conditions that can lead to cervical cancer). Pap smears NEVER show evidence for or against ovarian cancer. For women at higher risk of

Judging by how many convicted sex offenders who are also Latino show up on my pedo/rapist map within a 5 mile radius of my neighborhood, it’s safe to say the real problem is that sex crimes just aren’t treated harshly enough in general.

I don’t understand how they can prohibit the parents from taking the child to another hospital for treatment? If the place they are just wants to unhook the kid anyway, why wouldn’t they let the parents take a chance and try whatever this US hospital wants to offer?

As a recovered alcoholic I can say please get medical help if you stop drinking. I had to be hospitalized three days before going to rehab to prevent this. Don’t be ashamed, and don’t think you can automatically do it on your own.

Chambers’s interview reads as a salient and too often unspoken critique of the way capitalism has poisoned the fashion industry

Disclaimer: I’m obviously not blaming Kathy Griffin for this.

In my heart of hearts, Leslie Jones is screaming “Slay all day!” for her.