I don't think you're on the correct article. Uh...
I don't think you're on the correct article. Uh...
No, as a religious authority i have a duty to spread my faith to all.
Hemsworth is part of the Chrisinity of Chrisianity. As its Pope, it is my sacred duty to convert you and correct this. Evans is the Holy Chris, Pine is the Chrisson, and Hemsworth is the Chrisfather. They are equal in the Chrisian Church, my child. Just beware the anti-Chris, Pratt.
Yes, i need more Thor. Another movie that introduces Beta Ray Bill and establishes Thor as the new Allfather rebuilding on another planet with the rest of the Asgardians. I don’t want a new trilogy, but one more solo ride which establishes him long term so he can still cameo would be brilliant.
I literally choked on my pepsi. That is some top shelf Kinja you got there. Take your star.
Look, the Aurignacians had that shit coming, feel me? *beats fist into hand, cracks knuckles*
Well, Mr. Newman, you officially sold me on Blank Check, you hilarious munchkin of a man.
Fuck yall, there are some Cave Paintings in France that NEED TO GO.
What a dumb fucking numpty. Attacunt.
“then there are facts that do not need discussion.”
Sorry, this is nonsense. Are you saying anything she is saying is factually or morally incorrect or that she’s purposefully saying things that will put her family at risk of physical attack to score rhetorical points?
If you have literal tons of bird shit over every available surface then your local burd population has issues other than bread.
Look, i am an atheist, but there is a pretty resounding miracle in the pedestrian sense to have gotten a shit ton of mostly impoverished, underfed people to share with complete and total strangers without any benefit or reward in the immediate aftermath.
That is an incredible amount of assumption.
“for awhile”
Ugh...wrestling fans are simultaneously the best and worst fandom ever. I hope his face got right FUCKED by the punches from all those dudes and glad Mr. Hart is okay.
I dunno, inusually excuse the Queen from social norms. Traditionally monarchs set protocol, not the other way around (within reason or willingness of outside powerful parties to allow such a thing guffaw guffaw).
You’re a good egg. Good eggs all round.
They should make a studio specifically for these stories called “Elseworlds” and just get it over with.