
To be fair, other dude started it by insinuating (or outright stating, depending on how you take it) that Josh was a douche simply for liking a car.

Great to have you back, $kaycog :)

Congratulations, Mr. crowmolly and Mr. Eddie Brannan, on COTD! I would like to gift you guys with a GTO which this lovely lady will deliver when she is done washing it.

I looked for and and could not find any of this stuff just some old tanks and Lugers.

Counterpoint: Motorists are tool bags who do not understand what “sharing the road” means. I am not well versed in the cycling laws of Illinois but I can tell you that your neighbors to the north have laws which are routinely dismissed by motorists. If I am riding my bike down the middle of the lane, I am afforded

Or you could just... you know... walk.

God. All that for a fucking Sebring.

The Polaris RZR is a pretty interesting study in how to carve an entirely new market out of basically nothing.

You are why we’ve turned into a bunch of pansies...

So, You want to tell me You have curfew in America due to some strong winds, and some reporter goes ape-shit, calling “crazy” and “dangerous” because of someone doing donuts on TOTALLY EMPTY road?

At least make the A/C controls gated, just to keep it going in spirit.

If the employee has already started making the sandwich, you gotta suck it up. There is something shameful in a grown man making someone throw away food for no good reason other than he MUST HAVE PICKLES. I used to be extremely picky about what was on my sandwiches too. One time I refused to eat a burger because it

What, no helipad? P’shaw

I had a key on a string and didn’t see my parents until at least 7pm

Pfft. When I was a kid our parents would leave us in the car plenty of times. Back then, we were old enough to know when to crank down them windows. I’ll hobble out now with my cane...

Haha. Crazy scale starts at 4. Why bother with less since no woman has ever registered that low?

So much bro truck. I can’t handle it. This is better.

Congratz ohjvo

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?