
On the other hand, why should a post secondary education cost as much as a car?

It makes you want to just stand there, stare at them, and say “So what’s your plan here? You stand in the way of me getting off, then what? How will there be space for you? What did you think was going to happen?”

I’m not bothered by what the skateboarder did. Another title for this article could be, “Young man (teenager) almost hit by car, made to feel worse by having horn honked, and then reacts as most people would.”

And Canadians collectively yell...............NNNNNNNnnnoooooooooooo!!!!

It says here you were in jail for 4 years. What happened?

They’re also good platforms for other things:

People who are removing them and tossing them into the bed so they don’t have to walk over.

Nomad in available Desert Tan, the best color unless your Batman.


Not sure what actually makes this “sketchy.”

The Geo/Suzuki/Chevrolet etc. Tracker/Sidekick/Sunrunner was a 4 cyl FI 1600CC. You are thinking of the Metro/Swift/Sprint

Watch and learn Jeep Renegade

So say we all!