
I’m sure they don’t have any exposed skin though. Even as a kid in the north of Canada you learn how to dress for -50 c. Snowmobilers routinely get below those temps if you include windchill. But still. It’s colder than what 99.9% of people will ever feel and will kill you, given the chance.



He didn’t mention a left lane once in his story.

What then? Small power? Regional Power? They sure as hell aren’t a superpower.

World power? Don’t you mean great power?

Does covering up the cheat constitute a breach of fiduciary duty?

I’m glad you had the experience of driving on ice. I hope this means there will be even one less “Only idiots ever drive on a frozen lake” citiot. I think it’s something everyone should do at some point. Just like anything, don’t do it dangerously.

You have a very good point. The longer base will definitely help on ledges. I still value breakover angle and turning radius more. To each their own, I suppose. “trail rated” means more and more “Road rated” as you’ll never see a modern 4 door wrangler actually going down a trail a CJ can do without breaking a

Why is it 4 door if it’s meant to be the most capable?

50 hp is a generous estimate. I loved my 1 litre.

1966 f100 4x4 with optional 352:

Theshold breaking with ABS does indeed reduce braking distance as opposed to stomping the brake and letting the ABS do everything.

This made me dislike him a bit.

I didn’t mention anything about antibiotics. Because, personally, we have no issue up here. Beef must be antibiotic free for 100 days before slaughter, by law.

Cool input bro. Why do you think less financially fortunate people should not be able to eat beef? Do you hate them or what?

Not at all, I just happen to know something about which I speak. When was the last time you worked on a beef farm or ranch?

Growth hormones are better for the environment; you can raise a cow on much less land, in the case of ranching and in less time. That said, there’s a time and a place. Not every cow should be full of GH, but not every cow should be without GH as well, unless you’re ok paying $200 for a steak and you don’t mind if

It wasn’t long ago, no one had done a single backflip on a snowmobile.

-10 stars for using tabula rasa on a gawker site.