snowmobiling on golf courses is fun too.
snowmobiling on golf courses is fun too.
I love that trick, but doesn’t work so great if you have an open diff.
Don’t see how this might be unhealthy for a bike, but neat trick! Probably will use this eventually.
To go fishing, hunting, hiking or such; camping is the ancillary activity that enables the primary.
“We had no cell phone reception, and the WIFI in the Cadillac couldn’t make contact with the cell towers, either. We were driving blind, almost literally.”
I sat here for 10 minutes thinking what to type, but I just can’t.
Going off-roading alone once too many times.
Yeah, a dyno is great for measuring relative gains - ie. Go to a dyno, put a new exhaust on and go back to the same dyno. But measuring absolute power is more difficult.
No, it’s a false equivalence on order of magnitude.
So because a few unfortunate people per year make a tragic mistake, you want everyone to change their behavior? Also note that I never said that you should leave your child in a hot car.
Edit: That’s the same reasoning your(and many others though history) government used to dupe everyone into giving up certain…
Just because it dyno’d at that number, doesn’t mean it’s accurate. Take it to 5 different dynos and you’ll get 5 different numbers.
Nice false equivalence.
Why do you believe it’s irresponsible to leave your children unattended in a vehicle?
So, because a few unfortunate people per year make a mistake, you want me to change my modus operandi?
Why would it be not ok? That’s what I asked.
Why not? I, along with millions others, was left alone as a child occasionally.
The tool has a little slot at the very tip of it for the plug to slide out of.
Yeah I’m from a farm too - that’s where I learned it :P
Cut off the leftover and melt the end is what I do. Dunno if melting is any better than non-melting, but never had an issue.
No, never had an issue with people trying to kill me because I don’t live in Cult of Firepower and Hate™ USA. Though I do have some friends who might be alive today had they been noticed. Have a good ride.