Phillip K. Dick's FBI File

The high school that the young lady was supposed to be enrolled in, the one where her brother was enrolled, and months after her death the investigators finally got around to checking the enrollment of is where I graduated. It’s where my father graduated. It’s where my sisters graduated. It’s where my grandfather

See my post below, i grew up in the town where this happened. One that was the brunt of all of the surrounding communities’ derision.

So aside from the feelings of putrid disgust for the peprs and remorse for the young woman who was murdered, I’m reading this and thinking: Bucks County? Where in Bucks? Click on the inquirer link and my worst fears are realized. Quakertown. I grew up there and could not WAIT to get the fuck out of that shithole.

I’m a man, albeit not a very big or strong one. I would have no qualms about kicking somebody big and dangerous in the balls if he came at me and mine. Years ago, a guy sped down my residential city street full of small children, and when I hollered at him, he turned around and came back to exact revenge. He was

Really, you can do that?

Don’t millennials have anything better to do than “stick it to the man” in the most pointless and unproductive ways possible while making youtube videos about it?

Doen’t it seem like Travis Stork’s delivery has a hint of “kill me now” to it when introducing his guests? I’m pretty sure he’s not on board with this stupid shit, and probably never intended to go this route when he signed his contract.


Cuff every one of those motherfuckers. NFL stadium security is practically pointless. There’s enough video evidence to bring charges against them all.

I don’t care what color he is, Mr. Jefferson makes one damn fine Santa Claus.

I wonder, with it being all hip and shit for rich conservative white women to point out that they are NOT feminists, if it crossed the press’s mind to ask Ivanka immediately after this asinine proclamation, if she, herself, was a feminist.

Case in point: some angry lunatic responded to a friend’s Trump meme on facebook with an obscenity laced rant about the Clintons and child porn. Lo and behold, this is a thing on the internet that people actually believe? Even if it were true, your first response should be extreme doubt, not blind rage.

Thanks for the tip. A strong bullshit detector would also help a lot of people detect fake news. I don’t know why it’s so atrophied.

Oh, I don’t know about that. The lives of Trump’s core constituency - poor, non-college-educated rural whites, are about to get a whole lot shittier too.

Please suppy. Must see. Tremendous if true. Sad!

If that letter was truly verbatim, or even close to it, I believe Belichick is trolling him.

From this year’s primaries....

Seriously. Even Acorn’s, which I’ve always considered to be almost but not quite worth the price, are a fraction of the cost.

Seriously. Even Acorn’s, which I’ve always considered to be almost but not quite worth the price, are a fraction of

Yes, but are said shoes this artisanal?

Yes, but are said shoes this artisanal?

The fuck? Don’t these shills know about her insane Karaoke choices???!!!!