
Looks like Sean Hayes is not a ratings magnet these days either. I watched a couple episodes of The Millers, but ultimately decided I wasn't going to continue cause it was just not funny (even painfully unfunny at times). Will Arnett will find something to move on to soon, it's a shame about Jayma Mays, who I like a

I love the part about the charicature artist. "Can you guess which feature he emphasized? It wasn't my big heart!"

Shondaland is catchphrase mekka. She especially seems to be loving sun metaphors this year, like Meredith on Grey's, who takes it further by BEING the sun, instead of standing in it like a person.

Olivia Pope's sunscreen budget must be through the roof by now.

Yes, he is. His double-life as a gay whore and a dirty Chicago cop messing with Alicia Florrick's son is the definition of a tool to me.

Now that the cat's outta the bag, is Rowan gonna let the terrorist outta the hole to wreak havoc? Is it gonna be his way to scorch the earth behind him? Is he officially gonna stop "having the republic's best interest at heart"?

That's the only sensible reason. And in order to avoid Sarah being lonely and single, she'll be a devoted grandma and single, and help raise Amber's kid. You know, really do it right this time.

Monica Potter must be a wizard for managing to tug on my heartstrings during a storyline this ridiculous!

Do the images search and you'll find that Nicholas Gonzalez isn't hung. Unless your understanding of hung is to have a penis, in which case, yes, he is.

The plot that Haley is gonna work in fashion now is a little far fetched, considering that Haley would not be considered a fashion forward person outside of the reality of this show. Yeah, she's a pretty girl but looking good is not the same as knowing fashion. It's typical California style, which doesn't really

Wasn't it pretty much made clear that it was Rebecca who killed Sam?

Yes, but why? I like him because he's the most interesting. Wes is this plain goodie-goodie about to go bad (ooh, big surprise), Laurel is bland, Michaela is too stereotypically perfectionist and let's not even talk about Asher. He makes The Douche on Parks & Rec look tolerable as a person. Rebecca is also the type A

Or to beg a disgraced lover for forgiveness.

I love your description of him as not Clark Gregg.

Alright, no need to yell.

That's the way I've come to think of the show. The actual material is not what has kept me watching, but it's the performances that separate it from other comedies on TV, simply because the characters have this unique dynamic. There's this weirdness to the show's storytelling, and the writing sometimes baffles me, in

Nick telling Jess about what he did with the girl, and Jess immediately regretting it when he starts talking about where she put her finger was the best (and worst) joke of the episode for me.

That's more of an extremely detailed recap with extra commentary than a review, IMO, but very insightful nonetheless.

Plus, kudos to Czuchry. His facial work during his scene with Alicia was top notch!

I, too, want to know what the Beyoncé joke was. I wanna know bad!