P.J. Morse

Kentucky was one of the biggest ACA success stories, tons of people got much-needed insurance coverage through the exchange and through expanded Medicaid. Not only was Kentucky was completely non-competitive for Obama in 2012, despite tangibly and directly benefiting from his presidency more than perhaps any state in

So rather than being concerned that girls who have been raped by their father or older brother are being forced to carry their pregnancy to term, you are more outraged that Kentucky is not being given enough respect? If you want respect for Kentucky, then stop electing fucking asshats to political office.

Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.

This isn’t a story about a guy being a dick, but I was once in a Taco Bell when Mike Holmgren walked in, studied the menu intently for two solid minutes, and then walked back out never having said a word. It was over ten years ago but not a day goes by that I don’t wonder what the heck his internal monologue must have

I agree with you here. Many of the Trump supporters I know make more money than me (and I’m not exactly hurting), and yet consider themselves as “working class” or feel threatened that they will be knocked from the middle class. Objectively, they have far, far better lives and incomes than many (*cough* many

I have some thoughts on this, since I’m a woman who works in advertising.

I first saw BVD when I was way too young, I must have been 13 or 14. I don’t even know how I saw it- because nobody I know is familiar with it family or otherwise. It introduced me to all things camp, exploitation, or B-movie, I hadn’t even heard of Faster Pussycat Kill Kill- and I also thankfully found Switchblade

It’s Kentucky. For some reason, corruption thrives like crazy here.

This sucks so hard. Larry’s show is so much more interesting than Trevor’s, even when I think it misses a mark or two. The writing is sharper, and there is actual outrage, as opposed to dimples. Plus: Mike Yard and Holly Walker are national goddamned treasures.

So much this. I took a huge pay cut to work where I am (still making beyond a livable wage just far below market rate for where I am) and I could not be happier. because the place I work and the people I work with are amazing.

How do people like this end up in management?

I know that I could be making more dough elsewhere, but the company culture at my job is so accommodating and kind, that it’s not worth it when my work life balance is so good.

I’ve never understood why people get so pedantic and smug about these kinds of small errors in internet comments.

“As for the question of small businesses, “the fact of the matter is if the only way a business can succeed is by working someone at 60 hours a week for $25,000 a year, if the profit margin is that small, then that business has really big problems in and of itself,” she said. “That’s not the model we need to embrace

So much for students at supposedly top-notch colleges being able write clearly, huh?

Indeed. There’s a reason people lobbied for “8 for work, 8 for rest, and 8 for what we will”

When I was younger, I was all about that life - work hard, party harder. Hell, the first agency I interned for sold me specifically based on that line alone.

I’m in my 30s now and I’m like, “8 hour days unless something serious has come up, and in an organization that requires approval for OT, and ideally, a

I was getting paid peanuts to be there. Which, no doubt, is better than not being paid at all, but it’s sleazy as fuck for ad agencies to treat their workers like that.

It’s advertising. It’s not saving lives.

Ugh, it’s so skeezy how ad agencies ask people—especially younger employees—to work such crazy long hours. It’s advertising. It’s not saving lives. This stuff is not high stakes enough to demand that people bust their asses like that. A lot of it really just seems like something that’s done to inflate their own sense