P.J. Morse

I think I can safely say that a strong working knowledge of Excel can make the difference between needing to work 50 hours a week to get things done and 30 hours a week to get things done.

It all comes down to =VLOOKUP and Pivot tables. Learn that formula and how to format a spreadsheet appropriately to create good Pivots and the uninitiated will think you are a wizard. Also conditional formatting and coming up with useful =IF statements help to keep things looking slick.

Meh. Even when I was single with no kids, I never thought the moms were slackers. This woman was a dick and, I hate it when people have to have something to happen to them to change their dickish ways.

In the privileged West, there are so many women that throw feminism under the bus and who vote for Conservatives who work to restrict women's rights. It is eye-opening to read about women like Bahayi, who takes great personal risks to do something we take for granted. Bravo to her.

The credit sequence to that episode has Colbert, Ibold, and other cast members pperforming "Carry on my Wayward Son". Couldn't find it online but it's amazing!

"Kelly Faircloth is wrong."

Love you Madeleine but this is nonsense that anyone would be mad about this. I'm an old Pavement fan and a Taylor fan and it's fine with me. Indie bands having been doing pop music covers for forever.

I don't know, Steve's always struck me as a goofy fun loving kind of person who never really gave a hoot about conventions. To me Pavement was always pretty much just a pop band in essence, they just liked to filter their sound through shredded radio shack speaker style production value.

One day my daughter borrowed my car. When she came back, she asked, "What in the world are you listening to?" It seems I'd left the volume up high, and Patti Smith's Easter in the CD player. She was shocked to find out that I was a punk fan. It was hilarious.

I loved "Just Kids." Patti Smith has always been an

I kind of feel like Patti was always the smartest person in the room in the height of the NYC punk scene. Like she was that one person in the room at the party that was completely aware of everything going on around her.

That would be Culo Vista.

by Ari Schwartz

I used to work for Adobe for a period of time and they take their licenses very, very seriously and performs regular audits on large companies to make sure that the number of licenses purchased matches up with the number of installations. There's almost always a dependency, and usually they'll go and give the company

Sleazy Rider

Wasn't it Agatha Christie who said "Every murderer is someone's old friend?"

If you have any control of the meeting (anyone gives a damn about you) propose a "stand up" meeting. These are the best meetings because it usually involves meeting in a small space with no chairs and then it's off to twitter to BOFA people or whatever.

Skip meeting by stating you have a deadline on a big project or have an important phone call.

For a short time I worked as a writer for the world wide leader and I was one of thousands who wrote for the website. I met Scott only twice by chance more than anything as I wasn't ever based in Bristol, or even a blip on the radar in the scheme of things, but at one of those events Scott turned to someone and said