P.J. Morse

Oh, that was brilliant. And then there's this:

Indeed. I should have known I was in trouble when these tools arrived at the game bearing their own flag.

Thank you! I got stuck reffing once, and the amount of Butt-Hurt on display was incredible. When I was suckered into reffing, my old coworker said, "You'll have the best time. It's totally not competitive. We're just here to have fun."

Has it not occurred to these Richie Riches that they could afford a plane ticket to Africa?

A fitting backstory for a song that is cocaine for the eardrums.

I have a process like this now, but how would I present an award won as a group on my resume without seeming to minimize or maximize my participation? I did research on a project that won an award, which is awesome, but my contribution falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. So do I just say, "Researcher for

On being a poor person at a pricey college ... Everyone knew I was the grant recipient. One person told me, "You're just here because your parents were poor. Someone with better SAT scores had to pay more because of you."

And that's why I stockpile dark tights to avoid such situations.

It also suggests that, despite representing Kentucky, McConnell and his team know very little about his state and underestimate their intelligence. I can imagine some consultant in an editing bay going, "Oh, they'll never notice. They're rubes."

I didn't know she was Mick Jagger's girlfriend, either. I just remembered her as a fashion designer whose odd name popped up during red carpet events.

That beats more than several "Dancing" contestants. Years ago, I watched Tucker Carlson in the first round, and all he did was sit on a stool while his partner danced around him, stripper-style. It is safe to say that Billy Dee Williams out-danced him.

Thank you. I don't know anyone with a thigh gap. I don't know of anyone who discusses such a thing. Did Suzanne Somers even have a thigh gap after all those hours on the Thigh Master?

Oh, so true. Women pay far more than men do if they get frustrated at work.

I'm obsessing over "Imperialist Blather." New band name, new Twitter handle, new novel title ... the works.

I'm going to name my next band "Imperialist Blather."

Can anyone help me here? What was going on with New York's "parents"? I thought they were probably actors, but I enjoyed the scenes in which they clashed with Flav.

Flav/the producers were remarkably forgiving about the poop incident. They even let her stay on for another episode!

I would love to know how the other members of Sonic Youth feel about the whole thing, but I haven't seen a word. Either they are classy and are keeping quiet out of respect, or they saw it coming and got out of dodge.

Yes. A good yardstick of a role model is how you feel about the same person a few years after you chose the role model. As a teenager, I wanted to emulate Kim Gordon. I may as well have had a WWKGD bracelet.