
With sex work you are consenting to sex within the condition that payment will be rendered for the sex act. Its sort of equivalent to consenting to sex with a condom, only to later discover that the penetrator took it off secretly. With conditional consent rescinding the conditions under which the consent was given


My friend’s fiancé was once like ‘Hohoho, if you rape a prostitute, is it rape or shoplifting, hohoho’ and I practically shouted ‘It’s rape, sex with someone who does not or cannot consent is rape, please stop talking immediately’.

~70 years ago that would have been her ass in that line.

I was just typing elsewhere how every time I carry one of my kids I can’t help but picture tripping and cracking open their skull and this bitch does it on purpose. She did that to a child, and to a man running with a child. Somehow they are not human beings to her? She can’t see their fear and their struggle and

I used them interchangeably throughout the article, as these people are both. I’m not making a political or social point by using one over the other in the hed, if that’s what you’re asking.

I mean, we can debate about the degree to which she’s a monster (less than ISIS, more than the assholes who drive on the shoulder of the road in traffic) but if you’re physically assaulting terrified people, children among them, at their lowest point, yeah, you’re a monster.

I hope that image of her stays as iconic as the “kissing sailor”, “dust woman” “falling man” and “Afghan girl”. She’s a piece of shit and her “legacy” should follow her everywhere. Future Safari photographer for Walter Palmer.

I can only imagine fleeing for safety with my child in my arms and some motherfucking asshat tripping me on purpose. Un. Fucking. Believable.

Dear Texas,

“If the ref didn’t want to be assaulted, he shouldn’t have been in that situation. Or dressed that way.”

Yep. Also this.

You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.

I can think of easier money hustles than accusing someone of rape.

I follow Chris’s reviews because he is incredibly valuable to me - I almost never agree with him. I wish people would understand that a reviewer with different tastes than you isn’t “wrong” - they’re just as necessary to identify as reviewers who share your taste to a T.

the opening paragraph is you complaining about getting paid to play and then write about a video game.

I want to see this argument roll out in a current situation: "Well, yes officer, I did kidnap this person, but I have been treating them very well. Well, yes, they've been doing all my chores for me and sure, if dinner isn't on the table at 6 a beating is in order, but I put this roof over their head. Well, yes I do

Good fucking gravy.

Religion gave ​slaves a sense of self worth and a hope for ​salvation in this life and the next

So, I started in a Texas High School during my sophomore year, and it was pretty much the same shit. Even the text itself maybe wasn’t so bad, but the teachers were absolute bastards, who’d frequently tone their lectures with “it wasn’t all that bad” shtick.

He also doesn’t seem to entirely grasp how Fish and Chips work.