
What the fuck is the point of having a bench then?

As long as it’s consensual.

The only good old white people are those anti-war nuns that get arrested by chaining themselves up on like nuclear missiles and maybe Dick Van Dyke.

I finally went in to a Trader Joes a few weeks ago, and I was not impressed.

“Newsworthiness”= people talking about Twitter on CNN because of Trump= profit (????????)= no profit

You should mention this Bette Midler interview too. It’s pertinent.

And that’s sad. A mediocre white rapper who writes about killing his mom should not sell more than Kanye, who is the best.

Can you believe this guy was at one time the biggest music superstar ?

He’s no Kanye that’s for sure.

He was complaining about his kids being targeted. I hope his whole family gets blown up, in front of him.

The media folks might be overrating this film because of Donald Trump tho.

I kind of liked the Jersey Shore television show. My favorite was the Situation because he was ugly, he was ten years older than everyone, and he seemed like he would have sex with anyone including really ugly women and guys because “a hole is a hole.”

He killed a cat, so in my mind, he guilty.

That’s a really funny website.

Hot Child in the City is the worst one.

Get out of here Donald Trump.

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Kedi is the best trailer from last year. It’s got kitties. Sorry, the others do not have kitties.

LOL. I am sorry for calling you a liar. I was just kidding. I didn’t think you would ever read this.

No. She’s a liar.

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Y’all want to watch some scary climate doom?

Youtube videos of turkeys and peacocks fighting. Youtube videos of people and turkeys hugging. Youtube videos of people getting attacked by turkeys. Wondering about the song “Turkey Lurkey” and how people make fun of it on Youtube, but in a way that the people who performed Turkey Lurkey would appreciate.