
Well, machine-stamped from a stolen CAD file, it probably would. Machined and assembled by hand in a country where minimum wage is more than $2/h, it would not. Whether or not the price is justified, is a whole different story.

Seikos are up there with the old Honda Accords in terms of longevity. Actually, they're up there with Japan's elderly people too, that seafood/veg diet does miracles combined with an active lifestyle.

stop mindlessly texting and updating crap, tyler. Dontcha know you can lose your star that way?

GOOD POINT! now shut up. :p

Redacted because apparent;y i can't tell a fake watch from a real one. Darn hard to learn the difference when you're in the 99%.

Andrew, c'mon, it's 2012 in a few days. Her Majesty's penal colony, really? Also, while your articles are cool, I doubt you're a real diplomat, are you? Well, maybe in Australia. However, I will now have to try and make my way to SF, thank you.

I think watches are going to be relevant for at least a couple of more generations. When all of us old fogies die out, you kids have fun telling time with your phones and what-nots when there's an EMP attack.

"I'm sure as hell not going to the criminal continent without some sort of assurance of diplomatic immunity."

not with iPhone prototypes, apparently.

Ramada Inn would be a good choice if you're in the States. Motel Six is a close second.

"don't know who pollock is"

Who wouldn't want to steal CT "illegally". Oh, wait, nevermind.


You're right, and saying a "band of bandits" would sound preposterous. Still "a group" kind of grated me. Silly nitpick, nothing else. But I will consult my local linguist on the morrow.

I apologize, but I think that ideas like this are responsible for oversaturaing the App store with apps that serve no legitimate purpose. They are also behind the creation of the plague we call Facebook.

Hell, while we're at it, Banksy is about as overrated as Pollock or Warhol. Thoughts?

"a group of bandits"


" The people populating it, not so much "

Wow, not sure how I missed this campaign. Very nicely done ads. Also in relation to the article, BBC has become the new National Geographic/Discovery when it comes to qualitty natural history/world exploration programming in recent years. Kudos, Brits on matching and surpassing the Yanks!