
Hoy hoy

out of stock no less.

Did no one else smell smart-ass sarcasm all over this post.

As Above, So Below. there you go.

I'm still miffed that Apple KIRF-ed my HP TC1100. (shakes a walking cane at Apple)

Caprica or somesuch?

I don't know about enjoying that Mario chap.

Lytro sensor should solve this problem fairly soon. The two lens approach just seems more cumbersome.

Shoot, this money would have been wiser spent to fund R&D for replicator devices.

Methinks you meant David Biello's article linked to by Kat, troll.

what are these earthwatts you speak of?

Yet another brilliant reportage. Bravo!

Would you care to back it up with better material of your own?

If you're still inviting could you please shoot one over to spamdumpacc at aol dot com. Thank you.

"Shift" seems like a more polished experience.

Meh, looks like Brooklyn.

Wait, I could swear you posted this exact comment some months ago. I need to stop reading comments.

Ha, that's actually a brilliant idea apart from the time consuming inflation part. A ready dirigible would be more apt here. Well, off I go to peruse Hammacher Schlemmer.

Iconia is good, but after using it for a bit I realize that, short of useless camera and GPS, my Nook Color (with CM7) already has and does everything I need and beautifully so. Also, IMO its display is superior to iPad's, dimensions difference notwithstanding.

Meanwhile, Chuck Norris' poor saddle is looking for five ways to save itself from.., ah you all know where I'm headed with this.