
You must not have tried to hire anyone recently. It is hard for us to get anyone to even apply for a full time job with benefits. We put out ads and get a couple of responses from people fresh out of school with no experience and a degree in the wrong area. It seems to be the trend. There are 1.6M open jobs in the

Did I hit too close to home? Show me on the doll where my comment hurt you.

I’ve been waiting for this.

Before you can buy one of these penis extenders, you should have to take a parking test. If you can’t park the penis extender between 2 white lines on the first try, NO TRUCK FOR YOU!!!

You can bend your own brim you know....

Dammit. Saw the headline, came here to say this and post the link to the shilling article (unsure if I should capitalize shilling as a proper name, or leave it lower case as a verb, both cases work).

This is good Kinja.

The UAW kind of sucks, but it is still a union, and therefore inherently good. 

Just look at the back of the car? I live in Michigan, we have no front plate, I always check the back of the car before I get in.

Yeah, nah.

He even founded a union, the DAF, which was inherently good, I’m told. 

Hitler kind of sucked, but still [served bravely in the military/initially came to power in a democracy/was a vegetarian/liked dogs], and therefore inherently good.

That was such a bad take I literally stopped reading to come down and comment and then closed the article without having finished reading it. 

My first thoughts:

Millennial here. This author doesn’t speak for all of us. 

Unions are like any other organization, only as good as their actions indicate.

It really is dangerous logic. “Sure there’s evidence of this candidate saying horrible things, taking bribes, and voting for things that are against my personal well being, but he’s in the same political party as I am, so he must be good!”

“but it is still a union, and therefore inherently good.”

The UAW kind of sucks, but it is still a union, and therefore inherently good.”

Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.