
Does this include the 'people of walmart' who wear trashbags as clothing?

Now that you know you are going to hell, it is time to build your empire!

Notepad++ for your essential coding / note taking.

@Arken: It's your fault, you forgot your sarc-mark!

Is it bad that I read

Other then hosing the US populous, I see another reason why France sucks.

"Nonetheless, if you conduct serious business via Google Apps" ... this would be a 40$ tax write-off and you would be able to back up your data.

Anyone know the iPad app he is running?

It looks like, this murder is puzzling.

That's a pretty *bold* message they are trying to send to the rest of the internet.

@eien: Hang, hang-ed, hung, how about a dance?

This website, just like the system will fail within the next 4 years due to everyone filing claims with the government.


I have a 1GB and 2GB different types of ram, and have never experienced any problems (on my work Mac). At home, I am running the same brand, 2GB and 4GB on one machine, and once again, no problems (on Win7).

I also use AHK to run a cmd window to kill processes that have hanged with a win + k

Awesome. but I do not speak moonspeak.

cool and all, but you could just buy this for 3$

So why don't we use this to track your regular phone if some jack-knob decides to pilfer it from you.