
They need to have it opt-in, not you having to go opt-out.

If that xbox controller was wireless and glowed I would buy it.

This is just another shitty way apple does business.

The aloha quilt...really?

If i lost the internet, i would go to the local library and leech theirs, or even a local starbucks (although that would be more distracting)

Please add +"You do NOT have to tell everyone over the phone the web address ,and start with "H tea tea pea colon forward slash forward slash""

@thepl4gue: No what i said had a lot of room to be interpreted, he interpreted it as i intended.

Needs to work on his welding instead of spot welding everything together, needs to look like a roll of times.

If it is controlled via wii remote type, then fine, if it takes me dancing around liek a jackass like i assume the new kinetik will, eff that.

Sorry, but the G/ S/ 2 / 5 / ? symbols are cheating in my book.

@A.Nonymous: Thanks, I am glad someone took it as how it was intended.

What a moron.

Google's new way of capturing your network information in disguise.

@mocax: You son of a bitch. You beat me to it.

@fuchikoma: I honestly thing that 90% of the people looking to record scype conversations aren't worried about capturing 'facial expressions'. lol

@donlphi: Mallrats refrence, nice.

@vinod1978: Unlimited. Data. Plan. 30$ a month is half what I pay for internet. And that too, is unlimited.

@A.Jaswal: You are a casual Apple user. Not yet a fanboy.