I may have to look into dreamhost, but hostgator has always done a hell of a job.
I may have to look into dreamhost, but hostgator has always done a hell of a job.
funny how there are random spots in the oceans with places put to them like mid south atlantic ocean
Although I like the idea DuckDuckGo is aiming for, I do not see it hitting the masses like google. It was only after years google usurped yahoo! and msn.
@chris0089: you could always get autohotkey and have it run ccleaner with a keystroke or two
Now, does this bypass the wait time, or does it simply schedule / recheck when it can do the next file?
@Mr_Bloggerific: You should check out the gameplay videos on youtube as well. That is what really sold me.
@Mr_Bloggerific: If you like 'open world games' like RDR, you will burn a few months of your life in Just Cause 2. i am 60 hours into it and just now 25% done.
@Mr_Bloggerific: Needs more 'Just Cause 2'
People with *ahem* access to Cydia can download Mywi and achieve this right now.
@DarthNinja: It could be the 'gawker effect'.
@2 replies: Yep, you got to get them the day of, however you can take a peak at the programs and responses people have from giving them a try.
@gizread: You are right, the more you add the slower it can get. You can always 'Disable' it rather then uninstalling it.
@exoren22: And Mac.
This looks awesome.
Vista was a joke. It was good for testing purposes, or getting users used to new functions (widgets and such) but W7 is vastly superior to it.
@BernardMagic: I can understand the work limitations, and a new monitor isn't always in 'budget'. However there are always surplus stores (in my case a Boeing one close) and picking up a 17-19 lcd monitor for 50$ to me, beats the 20$ for a program. (that is if your graphics card already supports it).
If you really need this kind of function, you are better off purchasing a second monitor.
@grewal12: If you use firefox, get Screengrab! plugin.
As far as the headline goes: "Mac only" users may get confused as it is for windows, and I believe linux now as well.
If you have Firefox, i would recommend the Screengrab! plugin.