
Are you inferring that I was suggesting people ignore these issues because of the Black history Month promotion? My comment was a bit flip, and an attempt at tying in recent events.

When you say the Cookout, are you talking one or two local cookouts, or the Great Cookout in Wakanda? Cause I’m gonna need to vet them a little more before handing out that Full fledge Invite. Just want to make sure that they don’t send out a rogue #alllivesmatter tweet, or have any yearbook photos where they are in

i’m gonna say it. Van Jones as Hype man!

He’s not dumb. He’s just a man. He is a man that hates women. His tiny ego, couldnt handle a 9th grade puppy love break up, and society has reinforced his selfish and dangerous belief, that his briefly hurt feelings, are more important than her humanity.

Not to worry. Senator Booker is on his way to extend “grace” while putting himself in a pair of this bigot’s White Hate Ones.

Incredible piece as always.

You might be into something. See if this makes sense.

5? Damn. I’m gonna assume my soccer career and all those times I hit my head on the bottom of the ocean or that sewage pipe chasing waves are to blame. I should read more. 

Re: Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger, then staring “West LA” is them announcing their seriousness and true love and making us all claro, that this isn’t a “Hollywood thing”. “West LA” establishes that they are all growed up ready to be settled down. 

Reading her statement leads me to believe that this is reflective of the generational disconnect within our community. Our predecessors, marched and bled and fought for the rights and opportunities that we have. However I get the sense that some feel as if the younger generations aren’t grateful, or pay enough

Part of her not being arrested and charges not being filed comes from the police and Pelosi not wanting the men that were tricked and targeted by this garbage bigot, to face further problems. The stunt seems to not have been about Pelosi, but Loomer wanting to publicly humiliate and cause trouble for the undocumented

“a really dark undercurrent”

I know that these characters/people and the stories are now this many seasons in only loosely based in reality and are carefully edited and manipulated to foster a certain narrative. At some point, it seems as if her own self love has been distorted, hurt, damaged, lost or forgotten. Her rampant and unsupported and

This is what he does and who he is. These players, and the players that have come before him are nothing more than bodies. Their physical and emotional well being along with their dignity is not something he concerns himself with, or even recognizes. He couldn’t even manage to utter a single word to rebuke or condemn

I forgot to include the source

Power dynamics being what they are, the players had no choice.

This made my day. Really brought a huge smile to my face.

And Reggie Noble’s pissed!!!

Thanks for adding this. 
