
For a lot of centrist or moderate dems in office or running for it, Trump and his ilk aren’t really that big of a problem. They represents a great source for potential fund raising, and a wonderful target to point blame and a rallying point to prop themselves up in comparisons. It is “their” Obama, and past that, who

people do that shit for 50k a year, or much less.

The only difference between a mujahideen and an American evangelical is the symbol they march under.

We no longer get articles that ask such questions, since we’ve cut education and the arts in favor of military spending. Eastasia isn’t going to defeat itself, after all.

However many aspects of Sharia law run contrary to basic human rights and are completely incompatible with our laws and our democratic values.

I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:

“And while I think the list of demands genuinely looks like it was collectively written by a class of 9th graders,”

If you wish to protest by not showing up,-FINE. If you think you can tell other people what they can or cannot do -Piss off---- Black tears at its finest!!

First they came for the Jews.... but it was a black mob so black writers and their delusional white allies made excuses for it. Then the right came for the blacks and Muslims, and the left said “hey we gotta defend them! This is like Nazi Germany!” And most of us laughed because it was exactly like blacks and Muslims

If this mob anger and abuse was directed towards blacks this same writer would be saying it was like the KKK acting in Mississippi in the 1920's. The “logic” of the apologists for this abuse is that anytime blacks cry racism their grievances must be addressed to their satisfaction and if they aren’t they get a free

Weinstein won’t be fired, won’t even face reprimand, because he was correct, and far more intelligently approached the situation. You don’t think it’s ridiculous to be asking a massive portion of the campus, people who are paying or paid to be there, to ignore their responsibilities and be involuntarily forced off

To be fair, the black students were absolutely wrong to suggest that they wanted to live and learn in spaces that excluded other races. The idea that they could stiff-arm an entire group of people simply based on the color of their skin is horrendous. It is indefensible that a group would knowingly place hurdles or

The guy that said excluding ppl based on skin color was wrong, is having black students marching and shouting “deez racist teachers gotsta go” while at the same time wanting to live and learn in a space that excludes other races. Yeah yeah hes the bad guy.... bunch of buffoons

And while I think the list of demands genuinely looks like it was collectively written by a class of 9th graders

Not with you on this at all. Voluntarily staging a walkout is not the same as mandating someone else leave. Like not even remotely the same. No one gets to tell me where I can and can’t be unless they own the property.

Yeah, you don’t get to touch me or splash water on me because you feel like it. Yell if it makes you feel better, but if I feel unwanted physical contact, I consider it assault. And you would too if you were just walking down the street and someone starting grabbing your shit off you and throwing it.

Yes Yes Yes, kettle, black. Got it. But hear me out.

I’m sorry, but this “the childish behavior of the race-baiters at Evergreen is acceptable because whites are bad, mkay” blog post REEKS of black tears, black fragility, black race-baiting, black-spin and plain old fashioned denial.

This seems like a reasonable reaction, professor writes an email, black students literally act like a pack of wild animals not fit for society.