this is a dumb response and horrible false equivalence... be better Samer.
this is a dumb response and horrible false equivalence... be better Samer.
Although I agree everyone is their own person and has a right to their own opinions, you cannot ignore the fact that it does reflect poorly upon one’s spouse to act out like that. It invites criticism, warranted or not. And honestly, it’s kind of disrespectful to the other spouse to say things in public that they…
Spoken as a fan of neither team, you have an odd definition of winning.
Pretty sure the Jays were the ones in the ALCS, and they didn’t have players physically assult another player twice because they were but-hurt about losing, so I’d say we won.
Always and forever.
The fact that your avatar is no longer yellow is really throwing me off in the comments.
Even better was the moment the Irish fans gave this Frenchman a reception worthy of The Pope.
We’re going to drop people into bacteria-infested water, and then send them home to - quite literally - every country on the globe.
Until your favorite team loses a long pass because a DB knows it’s better to take the 10 than risk giving up a 40 yard TD.
You sound exactly like my sister her first Thanksgiving back from Berkeley. Sarah? If so, calll dad. He’s drinking again.
I kind of hate Rainn Wilson.
He’s 16, she’s 15, and by all accounts it was consensual.
As you likely know, the 100th running of the Indy 500 is just about to happen, and that’s a big deal. Even if we all…
When people call the NHL a Mom and Pop league I didn’t realize it was because they’re not letting us go out with our friends on school nights.
On Sunday, Susan Sarandon became the latest actress to share her personal experiences with wage discrimination. Vanit…
You mean like when the headline says “Conservative caught in sex sting” or “Trump supporter sends racist tweets” or maybe “Republican Senator indicted on money laundering charges”.
Yes, how absurd and unfair. My eyes rolled so hard it was audible. The difference is that those other shitty companies don’t attempt to profit from/make a brand off of being “feminist.”
I wonder if this will affect the Jez rhetoric of Beyoncé as feminist icon and Lululemon as white supremacist, fat-shaming Spandex Satan?