
Speaking as a Pats fan, this is the truth. We’re the worst. How fucked up is it that I’m actually cool with whenever this ends because I sorta want to go back to pre-2002 when our fans were not the fucking Yankees fans of the football world? Fuck Patriots Fans. Fuck me. 

This was my huge takeaway, too. Dude, you have a kid. STOP TRYING TO MAKE STREAMING YOUR MAIN INCOME. A good friend of mine just got divorced after her husband tried to make a failing business happen for three years because he didn’t want to work for anyone else. She paid for their rent, health insurance and

I was born in 76 and spent the 80s and early 90s PC gaming with floppy disks and this article reminded me of how cool and illegal it was to be gaming then on the PC. SO many illegal copies of games gotten from friends, conventions, etc. I don’t support it now and I should have known better then (OK, maybe my dad


Which, ironically, was a concept he stole from CK.

I love Aretha, no doubt. But having millions and not paying your fair share ain’t cool whether you’re a douche bag white collar criminal OR you’re a beloved legend. I get it-- the government spends a lot of money in a way many of us don’t like, but when you already have so much and refuse to kick in for shit like

This shit pisses me off so much. The idea white people have of the Black Panthers is that they rode around gunning down white people while shouting, “HONKIES!!!” instead of, you know, trying make a self-sustaining community and organizing school breakfast programs for fuck’s sake. 

I have a friend who is an ex-Marine, won awards and contests for his sharpshooting and he said in no uncertain terms that unless he was already right next to a shooter-- point blank-- there is no way he would draw a weapon in the ensuing chaos after shots were fired. Even with his skill and training, he still knows

What white person ever finds themselves about to hit POST or SEND on a social media platform with the N word in what they wrote and thinks, “This will be fine”?

This is so fucking obnoxious I don’t know what to say. I think it’s rude when people don’t use fucking headphones to listen to their music on the train, let alone this utterly self-indulgent bullshit.

I hear you, but let’s not let fuckwits ruin my (our, it sounds like) favorite holiday for the rest. People do racist shit in the name of Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick’s day, EVERYTHING. It’s not Halloween’s fault these assholes do this shit. And it won’t change a DAMN thing. Let me make a counter observation--

It’s really sad they had to make compromises in original text to make it happen, and it hurts the movie isn’t all it could be. It also sucks when you’re really excited for non-white art and it lets you down and mostly because, as stated in the article, the bar is just totally higher for non-white art-- it has to be

This is kind of a silly article. He’s doing his job. And no one ever says, “Did you hear the new Jack and Lorde song!?”— in the public eye 99% of the time, it’s ALL “Lorde’s new song!”. If any musician wants more autonomy in the writing of their music... they should just write their own music. TONS of people do it.

No woman deserves this, full stop.

Counterpoint: My wife is taller than me and it’s SO fucking weird that people expect both of us to somehow be unhappy about this. Neither of us could give a fuck that she’s taller. 

Also... can we just make Lena the patron saint of White Women Feminism? I mean, she really is the greatest example.

Hey! Remember Lena both claimed to be a feminist on the side of all women and then defended an accused rapist and threw shade on his alleged black woman victim? Good times, good times.

Very much depends on the power dynamic of the break up. I was dumped by a woman I was still very much in love with and was heartbroken. And no matter how much I claimed to understand that us mashing uglies was “just for fun”, it absolutely kept hope alive in me that we would get back together. It made it so much worse

I would love to see this poor black child replaced with some upper middle class white boy named Kody or some shit and see exactly how fast Mall Cop’s ass would get canned. He grabs the black kid and threatens him because he’s pretty sure he can. Meanwhile some suburban Son of Becky could probably kick him in the balls

Man, now that’s a real bitch for Kim. Imagine being a rich white girl (No, she’s a White Girl) and having the black dude you tried get street cred with turn out to be just another Golf Buddy of your dad?