can be used with one hand this game? this is the only plus compared to a switch. to be playing standing up in the subway
can be used with one hand this game? this is the only plus compared to a switch. to be playing standing up in the subway
looks like rift s is a way better deal for that
wait for oculus quest, this will be far more common.
Hey kotaku! why dont you make more vr articles? zero news about VR in GDC. And Oculus Quest is around the corner~
the actual hololens 1 is $5.000
I hope Oculus Quest will bring VR a few positions up in that list! I love VR at the point that is hard to me to come back to 2D gaming , but i hate the setup process.
But tv normally has 1a 5v usb ports. Will be like docking a chromecast
Why did you stop the gif in that moment? You are evil.
trade will be geo based too? (like: you are too far away from your friend)
VR headsets are not a peripheral, they are a new platform. Like is tv and smartphones. And go is like the brick nokia or black and white TV of VR. The devs now need to bring the full potential of it, giving uses that only VR can do, instead of lazy port of what they do for flat screen apps and games.
a friend of mine told me that all of those websites now support webVR, so you can use directly oculus browser without the need to download. What a good friend.
There are other real use besides porn? xD
Kitty eat snack while playing with his feet.
So... no local multiplayer?
Hey! check again, oculus now lower the min spec to use VR, because of spacewarp techniques (i3+960gtx)
The stories are best when things are not black and white. Makes no sense with characters with no background, therefore makes a lot of sense that these stories be told with superheroes that everyone knows.
At first, this feels like post apocalypse witcher. With his bike, roach (?)