
Pretty bold way to stop minorities from voting. But then again, haven’t whites always tried to stop minorities from voting? From the kkk, to everything that ever happened in the South. And North. And East and West, this is just the latest iteration of white privilege rearing its ugly head. Again.

Right, nobody is grabbing any pitchforks. But it’s curious to see that a game that is ten years old manages to look worse when most people’s experience with other titles of comparable length—like WoW—are of them looking better.

I could have told you this. Back when the shooting of Walter Scott first happened there was a story about a Facebook group that popped up called “Kill Feidin Santana” when I reported this group to them I got a note back saying that the group did not violate Facebook Community Standards but said they’d talk to them

It seems to me that if this policy is “bad”, then the solution would be not to censor legal speech whatsoever.

If you were trying to “educate yourself” you would have researched this before you started to spew out you bile of idiocy. You’re just playing the Devil’s Advocate so that you can continue to justify what has at this point basically turned into victim blaming.

Do you realize he’s launched a full campaign to ruin her life right? Like, people have doxxed her and sent her death threats and he has essentially encouraged it. But nope, she calls him an asshole and she’s immediately in the wrong.

I think Donald may know a thing or two about not paying taxes.

I guess for full disclosure, I should note that I do not personally like Anita Sarkesian’s rather naive praise of censorship, and have never been a fan of hers. At the same time, I don’t pretend to even try to understand the whole Gamergate crap. It’s like 12 completely different ideas under the same umbrella term. So

This is the argument of a mental toddler. By this logic, she should just stay quiet and try to “rise above it,” or some other bullshit.

I don’t want to punish them, they punished themselves. I want to help them, even if in the process they think I’m hurting them because of “socialism.” But I am also not going to waste my time trying to rehabilitate them. Like I said, I’ve heard what they had to say and I know that when someone tells you to your face

I don’t see anything wrong with this situation except the killing statement which is ridiculous and not announcing that he was a police officer.

I can’t wait to never be able to get one ever

This is FFVI. AKA the best Final Fantasy.

“Makes Shadow of the Colussus look like Shadow of the fart!” - Polygon

*Blocked as spam*

He’s being bitterly sarcastic, folks.

Someone will say he’s resisting in 3... 2..

*Waiting for the white tears to flow from twitter*