
I confess to feeling moderately pleased at best when someone tells me they’re engaged. I’m just not the sort to squeal and tear up or hop up and down with excitement. I’d be way more excited if that same person had called to tell me that they found a way for us all to get quadruple returns on our investments, or that

I’m going to start saying, “Congratulations on having the courage to agree to legally bind yourself to the person you love until death parts you.”

Last night friends and I were discussing why it would be so smart for them to do this. We even planned out marketing strategies. I’m so glad this happened!

No they didn’t. I was born in 1969 and I had crayola boxes with flesh colored crayons all through grade school.

Oh come now. In all fairness, they were much too excited at the prospect of killing a Black man to stop and think rationally.

Seeing as she looks pretty clearly mixed, I’m imagining the One Drop Rule is why they didnt bother telling her.

If only we were all beneficiaries of the same endless grace Kate Moss receives huh?

Vegan branding. Alrighty then. Vegan Lunchables should be her next objective. Beyoncables with almond milk kefir instead of fruity kabobbles. .

So, because Sienfelds daughter shoots her mouth off and uses words she doesn’t understand, to him that means every person in her age group is a carbon copy. Okay then Jerry. *eyeroll* I can’t imagine where she got that tendency from.