
It’s always good to be reminded that we’re lucky to be able to see Williams play, even if you’re not a big tennis fan.

The headline said “crush”. I disagree. Kerber played very well and so did Serena. One break per set isn’t being crushed, and Kerber was even competitive in those games.

For all his difficulties with his fellow players during his career, I’m finding post-retirement, post-American steroid freakout, post-return to baseball Barry Bonds to be a revelation. He offers legitimate insights into both player dynamics and the technical side of baseball elements, and genuinely seems to be

This is Durant showing that he has completely bought into the gotta-have-a-ring mentality that dominates the current culture in sports, completely buying into the notion that if you don’t win a championship, you are nothing.

The expense account line item read:

Wow. Never seen a Jordan impersonator pull off both 23 and 45 simultaneously.

I enjoyed all the reports during the FA signing period saying that Austin Rivers was “meeting with team officials” which is really just code for having dinner with his dad.

First Law Of Takes: A take shall remain in effect until its retraction is demanded by a more powerful organization.

Plus 20 turnovers from the warriors in game 2 and it didn’t seem to matter.

And yet LeBron will get credit for dragging his teams to 6 consecutive finals even though it’s painfully obvious that it’s just the result of a shitty, shitty, conference.

I’m surprised nobody is talking about the moving in-game tributes each team payed to the passing of Muhammad Ali. The Warriors floated like a butterfly while the Cavs seemed to have died 48 hours earlier.



An espn.com comment section coming to life is my nightmare. I’ve read some of the comments below Bill Barnwell’s articles, and it’s a snapshot of why Donald Trump is a successful politician.

They wouldn’t beat the ‘96 Bulls!