
My ex ghosted me. We were together for about 2 years when the silence began. He wouldn’t answer his phone or his email for a month. Finally, I checked and saw that he had reactivated his dating profile on OKCupid. I reactivated mine, demanded he return my stuff to me, and kept my profile up because fuck it, I may as

It’s from Kuragehime, or in english, Jellyfish Princess. Never have Tsukimi’s reactions been more appropriate.

Oh! I had this terrible image of her grabbing babies and dunking them in nearby basins of water. Not that she should still be doing it, just.....yeah, that’s less worse than I imagined. At least she’s stopped it, for now.

I’m so sorry. That sounds legitimately scary, for all parties involved. You and your mother are very brave-I’m not sure I would react so well.

*shrugs* It’s unnecessary, but I felt like it added some punch. To drive home that I agree with the statement that I was replying to.

As an American who loves tea, I always get sad when I hear people complain about it. I get it, our tea sucks, but why do you have to kick us when we’re down?! I feel like the solution here would be to bring your own tea and just order hot water. I dunno, I’m not sure if every restraunt would okay with it, but I doubt


I work as concierge at a rest home and this is the gospel fuckin’ truth. My brother works as waitstaff in the dining room, and he tells me some stories every now and again.

Do it for me? I’m in California, and am not afforded this luxury

Shortly followed by:

I like to think that they’re only going to do it just to give her an extremely well worded version of “LULZ”, but I guess we’ll have to wait to see.

Greek yogurt FTW. Also, thank you for reminding me that I haven’t had it in aaaaages. I think I’ll go to the store and go get some right now!

Mariachis be fabulous as fuck, though. I don’t entirely blame her for the resulting confusion XD

Embrace the rainbow, Don.

Congrats, you have made my day XD

That is, to Nungesser. He can go fuck himself to the farthest corners of the Universe with ALL of the painful sharp things

I love Fragrantica! I could read that website for hours (nondisclosure-I have).

White diamonds is not a fragrance to be taken lightly. I could never pull it off! And yet my grandma is flawless in the stuff. Body chemistry at work, I guess.

I’ll definitely have to check it out! Thank you for the suggestion :D