
I've been wanting to get into something else while I wait for the next Ms. Marvel omnibus to come out. This seriously looks fantastic :D

I honestly don’t feel comfortable with the actions committed by Dunham or Duggar. They both make me feel squicky, because they involve the unconsented invasion of another person’s person. HOWEVER-there was a big difference in the intent behind the different actions.
I dunno. That’s just my two cents.
All of this has

I’m not sure whether that IS legal. Still, when I was hired, I was asked to sign a form that specified that I wouldn’t talk about my employer in a negative light. Also implied in that is that I wouldn’t reveal any info regarding the people who I work for, because it would violate a lot of HIPPA privacy laws. Which is


That’s so fucking terrible. As far as I know, there’s no ordinance in the city I live in (I’m from CA), but if it was, I’d feed as many people as I could, with both middle fingers up in the general direction of the cops and fast-food management. Laws like that will be the death of compassion and common decency.

I do use pencils; I prefer pentel mechanical pencils. If I’m using a regular wood pencil, I lean towards Ticonderoga. I’m not very highbrow when it comes to pencils XD
But given the choice, I’ll take a fountain pen any day.


A person being a dick to a woman on the internet. How original.

Now playing

My reaction when fashion magazines say I should wear something:

I’ve told my boyfriend about the number of people I’ve been with. He has also told me his history(it was short-I was his first). It was more out of us just talking, and we're pretty comfortable about disclosing this sort of stuff to each other. It helps that every other person I've slept with was terrible, whereas

You go, you awesome graduate. You carry that weight, and you let the world know that you can't be silenced.
I wish her the best, and I hope she finds justice.

Hellz yeah!

I’ve found that kids are a lot more open to new foods than parents give them credit for. I’m by no means adventurous, but now I’ve got my whole (immediate) family hooked on tea (they used to serve kool-aid or crystal-lite at mealtimes.) Not just your standard iced tea; all kinds of different tea. I also like green tea

She told me that she’s collecting a folder for each grandkid. If it were anyone else, I’d make sooooooo much fun of them.

My grandma.
No, seriously; she has about four cardboard collector’s sleeves of the damn stuff.

Sounds like sour grapes to me. That “shit” looks divine. And even if it was cafeteria crap, even bad pizza is good pizza. :)

When will people learn that nature doesn’t give give a fuck? Nature will fuck you up, and if you’re standing this close to a wild animal, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Still, the adults in charge should have kept a better eye on her. At least she’ll be alright, thank goodness.

Thank your mother for me please-it is because of her generation of feminists that I can hold my head high anywhere, speak my mind, and be listened to.
I don’t have any strong feminists in my family. I want to be that person for my children someday.

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I posted that else where on this thread too! I feel sad, because it was sorta like a footnote, and B.B. King was NOT a footnote. Rest easy, B.B. King.

Now playing

It sorta seems like a footnote, but hopefully they’ll cover it a bit more later. He deserves more.
Rest easy, B.B. King. The blues will never die.