

Perhaps not. But congress could at least waive it now for PR as they did during the Katrina crises and I think maybe a Sandy as well. And to tell you the truth, I’m not sure how it really secures us on a national front for those who argue that it’s a safety issue, because back in 1917 when that rule was established,

This has nothing to do with the above, but I just read that McCain wants to do away with the Jones Act in regards to Puerto Rico. I don’t know what’s happened to this man, but I think he’s becoming the true maverick he’s always claimed to be.

She claims she was told she was only told that she was doing the Today show but did not know it was with Kelly and she was upset about the gay remark Kelly made.

She has been looking so frumpy these days. She would never dress like this on Foxy channel. Where did all those sleeveless, above the knee dresses go? Also, she looked much better with her pix cut that this style.

Yes, I figured she probably had an open marriage (he was aught cheating on her before), but maybe she doesn’t want to open that can of worms.

It has been suggested that it’s one of the Weinstein brothers. Some say Harvey and others say it’s his brother Bob (or is it Rob?).

Thank you. I donated.

Agreed, but I’m ok with that.

You canoodled with a Megan Kelly?

She’s looking a little rough these days.

How about Tyga?

Booby, why not take a well deserved vacay this week?

It’s no wonder people turn into reality shows with this crap as the alternative.

Oh my god, she is so cute!


Only the good die young.

Melania’s paint suit really does nothing for her figure.

I hope he is doing well, but that doesn’t look like a smile to me. It looks more like the sun is in high his eyes to me.

Yeah, but the elevation to his blood pressure this causes is palpable!